The GitHub Blog


An illustration of four speech bubbles in a grid, each with an icon. Going clockwise the icons are an eye, a megaphone, two people, and an octocat. An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Text Wrapping Issue

Introduction: The open source supply chain under attack Securing the open source supply chain is an enormous task. It goes far beyond a security assessment or just patching for the…


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How we improved push processing on GitHub

Pushing code to GitHub is one of the most fundamental interactions that developers have with GitHub every day. Read how we have significantly improved the ability of our monolith to correctly and fully process pushes from our users.


Automate your software development lifecycle with GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions helps your developers automate away complexity, move faster, and focus more on delivering value. Software development is complicated, but your organization’s tools don’t have to be. “In the past, we were able to deploy to production, maybe in a week, sometimes in two,” says Gabriel Galeazzi, DevSecOs and Cloud at Itau Unibanco. Now, with the GitHub Actions platform, we can deploy in one hour or two hours.”

News & insights

A photo of someone wearing the GitHub Sportiqe hoodie with a green invertocat patch. In the background is someone wearing the fitted invertocat blue tee. A photo of someone wearing the GitHub Sportiqe hoodie with a green invertocat patch. In the background is someone wearing the fitted invertocat blue tee.

Say hello to the SPORTech collection

Whether you’re a rookie coder or a seasoned pro, our new SPORTech shop collection is tailored for you. And here’s the kicker: we’re offering free delivery worldwide over $20 until May 20!

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Customer stories

Customer stories

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GitHub Universe 2024

GitHub Universe 2024

Get tickets to the 10th anniversary of our global developer event on AI, DevEx, and security.