Drinkup in Courtenay, BC
This has been an epic week of bringing GitHub Training to beautiful Vancouver Island with event after event. We’re wrapping it up with a drinkup after the public @CVWebPosse Courtenay…

This has been an epic week of bringing GitHub Training to beautiful Vancouver Island with event after event. We’re wrapping it up with a drinkup after the public @CVWebPosse Courtenay…
Try Git Today we’re launching a unique and easy way, in the format of a Code School interactive course, for new Git and GitHub users to try both the tool…
Having a dedicated training team at GitHub has provided exciting opportunities for us to take events and workshops to new locales. We’ll be running a Git and GitHub training event…
With the recent launch of the new git-scm.com site, we are also progressively launching a set of free Git screencasts. The first of these videos, entitled What is Version Control?…
Ljubljana, Slovenia Drinkup We are having a great Git class in Ljubljana and want to celebrate with the Slovenian developer community with a double GitHub drinkup tonight to make it…
Mother nature’s blast of snow hampered the first attempt at this in January. A re-placement of the event to April 9th should help to mitigate the weather risks. The Event…
GitHub is helping me bring Git training to a variety of cities across the globe this year, and next up is “The City of Bridges,” Pittsburgh, PA, USA. In partnership…
Cancelled due to Snow Mother nature decided to cancel the DEN to ORD flight that I was planning to be on to make this event. Apparently, Chicago is going to…
The free GitHub Office Hours and Intro To GitHub classes (launched here, and here) have been a great success as we’ve piloted them over the last few months. One instance…
Chicago is the beneficiary of another GitHub Drinkup this Thursday, October 27, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. We’re holding it at the Celtic Crossings tl;dr Summary: Thursday, October 27 7:00pm to…
In the spirit of supporting our community, we’re going to offer frequent Office Hours events in which any user of GitHub can ask Git and GitHub questions in a public…
Our first two September instances of the free “The Basics of GitHub” class were maxed out to the 100 person capacity within days of their announcement. If you weren’t able…
I’m simply loving working for the :octocat: as “Trainer of everything Git” and am amplifying the number of training options and events that we do here at GitHub. I didn’t…
Update: The response was so overwhelming that the limited 100 slots filled up in a flash. There’s a second instance on September 28th if you were unable to be approved…
Matthew McCullough of GitHub is in Oslo for the excellent JavaZone conference this coming week and we’d like to have a “everyone is invited” GitHub drink up 🍺 to go…