Mobile CI recommendations now available

GitHub now detects repositories that host mobile apps. For repositories that don’t have CI configured, you’ll see a recommendation for mobile CI providers directly on the pull request page.

Checks API now integrates with Travis CI, letting you share the results of your project’s branch and pull request builds with your team. View your build’s stages, jobs, results, and associated configuration to get a complete picture of your project’s health directly from GitHub.

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GitHub now integrates with the Visual Studio App Center. Automate builds on every commit, test apps on real devices in the cloud, and monitor usage with crash and analytics data. Because the App Center integration uses the Checks API, mobile developers will be able to see the results directly within GitHub’s interface.

GitHub is also integrating with Microsoft Outlook using Adaptive Cards. Over the next several weeks, Outlook users will be able to comment on issues from their inbox—and soon after, be able to merge pull requests, too.

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