New filtering and metadata experience on GitHub Mobile

Introducing an all new filtering experience. No matter what issue, pull request, or discussion you're looking for, finding it just got a whole lot easier!

Filter Bar - Social@2x

We've added new metadata to issues and pull request list items so that it's easier to see assignees, checks status, review states, and comment counts.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

We recently launched new and improved content for Codespaces. We heard from our beta testers that they wanted more task-focused documentation, more information on the benefits of Codespaces, and more specific examples on how to use it. We've restructured the content to make it easier for you to discover and added the following sections:

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Dependabot version updates now have the ability to ignore major, minor, or patch updates for a specific dependency or set of dependencies. For instance, you can use this feature to quiet noisy dependencies or easily avoid major version bumps across multiple dependencies.

You can ignore semver updates by modifying the ignore configuration option to ignore one or more update-types:

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "npm"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"
      # ignore all GitHub linguist patch updates
      - dependency-name: "github-linguist"
        update-types: ["version-update:semver-patch"]

Note: this feature only applies to version updates. If you have security updates enabled, you will still get pull requests updating you to the minimum patched version.

Learn more about Dependabot ignore conditions.

To see what's next for Dependabot, visit the public roadmap.

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