GitHub Enterprise Cloud self-service organization upgrade to an Enterprise Account

GitHub Enterprise Cloud standalone organizations paying by invoice may now update to an enterprise account via a self-service flow.

Organization owners may navigate to the organization's billing page and click "Upgrade to Enterprise Account" to begin. There are no changes to licensing agreement or payment terms. In the new enterprise account, every organization owner will be granted the enterprise owner role.

Enterprise accounts allow you to create new organizations, manage policies and users, and provide a single point to manage and view multiple organizations. Enterprise accounts also grant access to features like audit log streaming, enterprise verified domains, and enable cross-organization collaboration via internal repositories.

Learn more about upgrading to an enterprise account.

We’ve improved the depth of CodeQL's analysis by adding support for more libraries and frameworks and increasing the coverage of our existing library and framework models. JavaScript analysis now supports most common templating languages, and Java now covers more than three times the endpoints of previous CodeQL versions. As a result, CodeQL can now detect even more potential sources of untrusted user data, steps through which that data flows, and potentially dangerous sinks in which this data could end up. This results in an overall improvement of the quality of the code scanning alerts.

We carefully choose and prioritize the libraries and frameworks supported by CodeQL based on their popularity and through user feedback. These improvements are now available to users of CodeQL code scanning on, and will also be available in the next release of GitHub Enterprise Server (3.3).


We've improved coverage for the following libraries:


We've added support for the following templating languages:

Learn more about CodeQL and code scanning.

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Developers and security researchers using the CodeQL CLI and VS Code extension can now build databases and analyze code on machines powered by Apple Silicon (e.g. Apple M1).

In order to use the CodeQL CLI and/or the VS Code extension on Apple Silicon, please make sure to install the Xcode command-line developer tools and Rosetta 2.

For detailed instructions on how to set up the CLI on supported platforms, please refer to the CodeQL CLI guide.

Learn more about CodeQL and code scanning.

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