GitHub Codespaces with included free usage is now rolling out to all GitHub Free and Pro accounts. We've added experiences to quickly start new projects in a codespace using many of the frameworks you know and love. These templates are a prebuilt development environment all boxed up to work with one click, without the need to configure your development environment.

Codespace templates come with a pre-configured devcontainer. Using a forwarded port you can see your running web application. The configuration of the devcontainer enables the necessary files to be open by default, run the services necessary, and preview the output of the application in your web editor.
Do you want to start developing in Codespaces, but you're unsure what framework to start with? Use the Blank Template to jump right into a brand new codespace! We've also included a set of starter templates for you on the Codespaces index page. You can even make your own your template for developers to use by creating your own repository template! By creating your own codespace template from a repo template, you can create a one-click, prebuilt development environment for others to use your projects.
We hope you take Codespace Templates out for a spin, and join us in the community discussion space to share your templates and collaborate with us!