Choose which languages to enable in code scanning default setup for your repository

Code scanning now has the option to enable default setup for a subset of languages in a repository. This lets you customize the configuration to suit your repository's needs, for example deselecting a language which is failing the analysis.

Default set up makes it easy to get started with code scanning. The supported languages are currently JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Ruby and Go and the list is constantly evolving.

When you choose default setup, we automatically tailor a code scanning configuration for the repository. By default we will enable the best CodeQL configuration for all languages in your repository. However, if there is a language that you'd prefer to disable in code scanning, you can now customize the languages in your default setup configuration.

Use the 'edit configuration' page or REST API to edit the default setup configuration for a repository. You can customize the languages and query suites used in the analysis. The configuration can be viewed and edited at any time, during or after set up.

  "state": "configured",
  "languages": ["javascript-typescript", "ruby"],
  "query_suite": "default", 
  "updated_at": "2023-02-24T20:00:42Z"

For more information on code scanning default setup, see Configuring code scanning automatically.

We've shipped a small fix to improve security around creation of pull requests in public repos.

Prior to this fix and under very specific conditions, a user could create a pull request in a public repo even though they did not have push access to either the base or head branch and were not a member of the repo's organization. Often these pull requests were created by mistake and quickly closed, but could still trigger unexpected GitHub Actions or other CI jobs.

This fix has no impact on the common open source workflow where a user forks a public repo, makes a change in their fork, and then proposes their change using a pull request. This fix also has no impact on pull requests already created.

We want to hear from you! Let us know if you have questions or feedback.

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers with enterprise managed users (EMU) can now integrate with Ping Federate as a formally supported SSO and SCIM identity provider in public beta. To get started, download the Ping Federate "GitHub EMU Connector 1.0" from the add-ons tab on the download page, under the "SaaS Connectors" heading. Add the connector to your Ping Federate installation and consult the Ping Federate documentation in addition to GitHub's SAML SSO and SCIM documentation for configuration.


The "GitHub EMU Connector" is maintained and supported by our partner, Ping Identity. Ping additionally maintains their own release notes for this connector.

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