Organization Archiving public beta

You can now archive all repositories in an organization with a single click. Archiving an organization will:

  • Archive all repositories in the organization
  • Set a key in the API to indicate the org has been archived
  • Restrict activities in that organization such as creating new repos
  • Display a banner on the organization's profile indicating that it's been archived

To archive an organization, go to the organization's settings page and click the "Archive organization" button in the Danger Zone. This will launch a background job which performs the archiving; once complete, the banner will show up on the organization's profile page.

For more information on organization archiving, including how to un-archive an organization, see "Archiving an organization"

This feature is in public beta. We'd love to hear your feedback on how it works for you.

An image titled "GitHub Global Navigation Beta" that shows the top of a GitHub webpage that has the new navigation UI.

The beta of GitHub’s redesigned site navigation is now enabled for everyone by default and includes additional improvements and bug fixes.


In April, the redesigned navigation beta became available to anyone who manually enabled it for their account. The changelog for that release included:

  • Breadcrumbs to provide you with a clear understanding of your location on GitHub.
  • New menus that make your top repositories and teams available from every page on GitHub.
  • A consistent, responsive, and more accessible experience that lets you navigate GitHub using any device and assistive technology.

Today’s release enables the new navigation beta for everyone by default and includes improvements based on feedback:

  • A separate button that opens the left menu, containing links to home, issues, pull requests, and discussions.
  • The GitHub icon links to the home dashboard.
  • Links to issues and pull requests at the upper level of the navigation, available in one click without opening a menu.
  • Improvements to the mobile and responsive experiences.
  • Bug fixes, including accessibility improvements.

Image of the new navigation, with the left menu open, featuring links to repositories and teams

We welcome your feedback on the new navigation beta in the feedback portal.

Note: While in beta, the new navigation can be switched on and off under Global navigation update in Feature preview.

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Code scanning now has the option to enable default setup for a subset of languages in a repository. This lets you customize the configuration to suit your repository's needs, for example deselecting a language which is failing the analysis.

Default set up makes it easy to get started with code scanning. The supported languages are currently JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Ruby and Go and the list is constantly evolving.

When you choose default setup, we automatically tailor a code scanning configuration for the repository. By default we will enable the best CodeQL configuration for all languages in your repository. However, if there is a language that you'd prefer to disable in code scanning, you can now customize the languages in your default setup configuration.

Use the 'edit configuration' page or REST API to edit the default setup configuration for a repository. You can customize the languages and query suites used in the analysis. The configuration can be viewed and edited at any time, during or after set up.

  "state": "configured",
  "languages": ["javascript-typescript", "ruby"],
  "query_suite": "default", 
  "updated_at": "2023-02-24T20:00:42Z"

For more information on code scanning default setup, see Configuring code scanning automatically.

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