New rate limit for the audit log API endpoints is active

In early July, GitHub announced a new rate limit was coming for the audit log API endpoints. Starting today, each audit log API endpoint will impose a rate limit of 1,750 queries per hour per user, IP address, enterprise, or organization. This is higher than the previously stated change to 15 queries per minute, in order to allow integrators more time to adjust workflows and scripts which programmatically query the audit log API. We intend to enforce a limit of 15 queries per minute on or after November 1st, 2023.

This rate limit will be enforced on each combination of an individual user, IP address and entity path (/orgs/<org_name>/audit_log or /enterprises/<enterprise_name>/audit_log) independently.

To adapt to these changes and avoid rate limiting, programs or integrations querying the audit log API should query at a maximum frequency of 1,750 queries per hour. Additionally, applications querying the audit log API should be updated to honor HTTP 403 and 429 responses to dynamically adjust to the back-pressure exerted by GitHub.

For additional information, please consult our documentation on handling rate limits for requests from personal accounts and rate limits for GitHub Apps. Alternatively, enterprises seeking access to near real-time data should consider streaming your enterprise audit log.

Dependabot can now open pull requests to update your Swift dependencies. In June, support for Swift advisories in the Advisory Database and Dependabot alerts was released. Dependabot will now be able to open pull requests to fix related alerts, and you will also be able to configure scheduled updates for your dependencies via dependabot.yml.

For more information on how to configure Dependabot updates, please view our documentation here:

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As part of the two-factor authentication requirement program on, the People pages of enterprises and organizations have been updated to include the 2FA requirement status of members and collaborators. As an administrator, you can see which of your users have not yet enabled 2FA but are required to do so because of an action they have take in one of your organizations, or elsewhere on

A clock icon will appear as a user's 2FA status will show if the user is required to enable 2FA. When the icon is red, they are past the due date for enabling 2FA, and are at risk of being blocked from accessing until they enable it. Clicking the clock icon will display the user's enrollment date.

You can filter the UI to show only users who have a pending requirement. Enrollment dates are also now included in the CSV and JSON downloads of enterprise and organization memberships.

To learn more about the 2fa enrollment program, see our blog post with more details. For information about viewing your members, see the organization and enterprise documentation.

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