GitHub Desktop community adds “Check Out a Commit” and “Double click to Open External Editor”

In 3.2.8, GitHub Desktop is shipping two great community contributions of highly requested features — “Check Out a Commit” and “Double Click to Open in Your External Editor”.
Alongside that, we have a nice addition to the clone dialog where you can quickly see if a repository has been archived, as well as many accessibility enhancements.

Check Out a Commit

A big thanks to @kitswas for his work in adding the ability to check out a commit from the history tab, a much asked for feature.

Shows check out a tag commit with new context menu option

Double Click to Open in Your External Editor

We would also like to give a shout out to @digitalmaster with another highly requested feature add of being able to double click on a file to open it in your external editor, whether that is in the history or changes view.

Shows double clicking in the history view to open a file

Quickly Identify Archived Repositories when Cloning

Another great add with this release is being able to tell at a glance which repositories in your cloning dialog are archived and likely not suitable for cloning.

Clone dialog with one repo having the Archive tag added


GitHub Desktop is actively working to improve accessibility in support of GitHub’s mission to be a home for all developers.

In so, we have the:
– addition of aria-label and aria-expanded attributes to the diff options button – #17062
– number of pull requests found after refreshing the list screen reader announced – #17031
– ability to open the context menu for the History view items via keyboard shortcuts – #17035
– ability to navigate the “Clone a Repository” dialog list by keyboard – #16977
– checkboxes in dialogs receiving initial keyboard focus in order not to skip content – #17014
– progress state of the pull, push, fetch button announced by screen readers – #16985
– inline errors being consistently announced by screen readers – #16850
– group title and position correctly announced by screen readers in repository and branch lists – #16968
– addition of an aria-label attribute to the “pull, push, fetch” dropdown button for screen reader users – #16839
– aria role of alert applied to dialog error banners so they are announced by screen readers – #16809
– file statuses in the history view improved to be keyboard and screen reader accessible – #17192
– ability to open the file list context menu via the keyboard – #17143
– announcing of dialog titles and descriptions on macOS Ventura – #17148
– announcing of the “Overwrite Stash”, “Discard Stash”, “Delete Tag”, and “Delete Branch” confirmation dialogs as alert dialogs – #17197, #17166, #17210
– improvements of contrast in text to links – #17092
– tab panels in the branch dropdown announced by screen readers – #17172
– stash restore button description associated to the button via an aria-describedby#17204
– warnings in the rename branch dialog placed before the input for better discoverability – #17164
– errors and warnings in the “Create a New Repository” dialog are screen reader announced – #16993

Other Great Fixes

  • The remote for partial clone/fetch is recognized. Thanks @mkafrin! – #16284
  • Association of repositories using nonstandard usernames is fixed – #17024
  • The “Preferences” are renamed to “Settings” on macOS to follow platform convention – #16907
  • The addition of the Zed Preview as an external editor option – #17097. Thanks @filiptronicek
  • The addition of the Pulsar code editor as an external editor option on Windows – #17120. Thanks @confused-Techie
  • Fixing the detection of VSCodium Insider for Windows – #17078. Thanks @voidei
  • The \”Restore\” button in stashed changes is not disabled when uncommitted changes are present. – #12994. Thanks @samuelko123

Automatic updates will roll out progressively, or you can download the latest GitHub Desktop here.

Banner announcing multiple account support on GitHub mobile, showing multiple avatars within the account switcher

Introducing support for multiple GitHub accounts within GitHub Mobile! Log in with your work and personal accounts to stay in touch with your projects, wherever they're happening.

To add multiple accounts to GitHub Mobile, either navigate to Profile > Settings > Accounts, or long-press on the Profile tab to get to the account switcher. See the number of unread notifications across each account, swap to another account, or sign in or out of accounts.

Receive push notifications for each account, with just the right amount of context to keep you focused on the work that matters. Keep your data separate between each account, ensuring the right accounts are active when viewing private content.

Download or update GitHub Mobile today from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to get started.

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We have released a new API for people who write custom CodeQL queries which make use of dataflow analysis. The new API offers additional flexibility, improvements that prevent common pitfalls with the old API, and improves query evaluation performance by 5%. Whether you’re writing CodeQL queries for personal interest, or are participating in the bounty programme to help us secure the world’s code: this post will help you move from the old API to the new one.

This API change is relevant only for users who write their own custom CodeQL queries. Code scanning users who use GitHub’s standard CodeQL query suites will not need to make any changes.

With the introduction of the new dataflow API, the old API will be deprecated. The old API will continue to work until December 2024; the CodeQL CLI will start emitting deprecation warnings in December 2023.

To demonstrate how to update CodeQL queries from the old to the new API, consider this example query which uses the soon-to-be-deprecated API:

class SensitiveLoggerConfiguration extends TaintTracking::Configuration {
  SensitiveLoggerConfiguration() { this = "SensitiveLoggerConfiguration" } // 6: characteristic predicate with dummy string value (see below)

  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { source.asExpr() instanceof CredentialExpr }

  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { sinkNode(sink, "log-injection") }

  override predicate isSanitizer(DataFlow::Node sanitizer) {
    sanitizer.asExpr() instanceof LiveLiteral or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof PrimitiveType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof BoxedType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof NumberType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof TypeType

  override predicate isSanitizerIn(DataFlow::Node node) { this.isSource(node) }

import DataFlow::PathGraph

from SensitiveLoggerConfiguration cfg, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink
where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink)
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "This $@ is written to a log file.",
  "potentially sensitive information"

To convert the query to the new API:

  1. You use a module instead of a class. A CodeQL module does not extend anything, it instead implements a signature. For both data flow and taint tracking configurations this is DataFlow::ConfigSig or DataFlow::StateConfigSigif FlowState is needed.
  2. Previously, you would choose between data flow or taint tracking by extending DataFlow::Configuration or TaintTracking::Configuration. Instead, now you define your data or taint flow by instantiating either the DataFlow::Global<..> or TaintTracking::Global<..> parameterized modules with your implementation of the shared signature and this is where the choice between data flow and taint tracking is made.
  3. Predicates no longer override anything, because you are defining a module.
  4. The concepts of sanitizers and barriers are now unified under isBarrier and it applies to both taint tracking and data flow configurations. You must use isBarrier instead of isSanitizer and isBarrierIn instead of isSanitizerIn.
  5. Similarly, instead of the taint tracking predicate isAdditionalTaintStep you use isAdditionalFlowStep .
  6. A characteristic predicate with a dummy string value is no longer needed.
  7. Do not use the generic DataFlow::PathGraph. Instead, the PathGraph will be imported directly from the module you are using. For example, SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathGraph in the updated version of the example query below.
  8. Similar to the above, you’ll use the PathNode type from the resulting module and not from DataFlow.
  9. Since you no longer have a configuration class, you’ll use the module directly in the from and where clauses. Instead of using e.g. cfg.hasFlowPath or cfg.hasFlow from a configuration object cfg, you’ll use flowPath or flow from the module you’re working with.

Taking all of the above changes into account, here’s what the updated query looks like:

module SensitiveLoggerConfig implements DataFlow::ConfigSig {  // 1: module always implements DataFlow::ConfigSig or DataFlow::StateConfigSig
  predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { source.asExpr() instanceof CredentialExpr } // 3: no need to specify 'override'
  predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { sinkNode(sink, "log-injection") }

  predicate isBarrier(DataFlow::Node sanitizer) {  // 4: 'isBarrier' replaces 'isSanitizer'
    sanitizer.asExpr() instanceof LiveLiteral or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof PrimitiveType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof BoxedType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof NumberType or
    sanitizer.getType() instanceof TypeType

  predicate isBarrierIn(DataFlow::Node node) { isSource(node) } // 4: isBarrierIn instead of isSanitizerIn


module SensitiveLoggerFlow = TaintTracking::Global<SensitiveLoggerConfig>; // 2: TaintTracking selected 

import SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathGraph  // 7: the PathGraph specific to the module you are using

from SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathNode source, SensitiveLoggerFlow::PathNode sink  // 8 & 9: using the module directly
where SensitiveLoggerFlow::flowPath(source, sink)  // 9: using the flowPath from the module 
select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "This $@ is written to a log file.", source.getNode(),
  "potentially sensitive information"

While not covered in this example, you can also implement the DataFlow::StateConfigSig signature if flow-state is needed. You then instantiate DataFlow::GlobalWithState or TaintTracking::GlobalWithState with your implementation of that signature. Another change specific to flow-state is that instead of using DataFlow::FlowState, you now define a FlowState class as a member of the module. This is useful for using types other than string as the state (e.g. integers, booleans). An example of this implementation can be found here.

This functionality is available with CodeQL version 2.13.0. If you would like to get started with writing your own custom CodeQL queries, follow these instructions to get started with the CodeQL CLI and the VS Code extension.

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