Organization Archiving general availability

Building on the Public Beta of organization archiving, we're excited to announce that organization archiving is now generally available.

You can now archive all repositories in an organization with a single click. Archiving an organization will:

  • Archive all repositories in the organization
  • Set a key in the API to indicate the org has been archived
  • Restrict activities in that organization such as creating new repos
  • Display a banner on the organization's profile indicating that it's been archived
  • Email the organization's owners to let them know that the organization has been archived

To archive an organization, go to the organization's settings page and click the "Archive organization" button in the Danger Zone. This will launch a background job which performs the archiving; once complete, the banner will show up on the organization's profile page.

For more information on organization archiving, including how to un-archive an organization, see "Archiving an organization"

We'd love to hear your feedback on how it works for you.

September 12, 2023 update:

When we launched the latest version of your feed on September 6, 2023, we made changes to the underlying technology of the feed in order to improve overall platform performance. As a result, we removed the functionality for “push events for repositories a user is subscribed to”. We don’t take these changes lightly, but as our community continues to grow tremendously, we have to prioritize our availability, user experience and performance. 

Thanks to feedback from the community, we have fixed the following bugs from the initial September 6th release:

  • We were showing releases for organizations that you follow, instead of only showing them for repositories that you watch or star. This is now fixed. 
  • We have also addressed a problem where ‘Followed You’ cards were sometimes appearing out of chronological order.
  • We do not plan to re-include “push events for repositories a user is subscribed to” for the reasons listed above, but we will continue to address feedback as it aligns with our platform goals.

Your homepage feed will now have a singular, consolidated feed that aggregates content from your starred repositories and followed users. As part of this update:

  • The content from the “Following” feed has been combined with the “For you” Feed, so you’ll have one singular location to discover content.
  • For those looking to customize, we’ve enhanced the filtering controls, enabling you to tailor your feed to display only the event types that matter most to you. Including:
    • Announcements (special discussion posts from repositories)
    • Releases (new releases from repositories)
    • Sponsors (relevant projects or people that are being sponsored)
    • Stars (repositories being starred by people)
    • Repositories (repositories that are created or forked by people)
    • Repository activity (issues and pull requests from repositories)
    • Follows (who people are following)
    • Recommendations (repositories and people you may like)
  • We’ve given the entire interface a fresh and visually appealing makeover ✨


What this means for you

If you’re an existing “Following” feed user, your feed content should be familiar to what you’ve been seeing on your “Following” tab. And now, with our new filtering control, you can fine-tune your content preferences to further curate your feed.

If you’re an existing “For you” feed user, we’ve also defaulted your filtering to showcase what you currently see on your “For you” tab. The new filtering control allows you to further customize your feed by including or excluding specific content types.

New users, we’ve got you covered with default settings that ensure you’re seeing the most relevant content. Dive in, personalize, and make the feed your own!

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GitHub-hosted larger runners now support dual IP ranges when configured with Static IPs for the GitHub Enterprise Cloud plan.

Static IP enables Enterprise Cloud customers to choose whether a static IP address range will be assigned to their larger runner instances. This provides a fixed IP address range that can be added to your allow list for access to internal systems and can be used in conjunction with GitHub’s IP allow list to enable hosted actions runners and IP allow listing at the same time.

With dual IP ranges, larger runner instances will now receive two IP ranges instead of a single range. This enables runners to scale beyond the previously existing 500 concurrency limit. Additionally, the two IP ranges are created in different geographical locations, providing resiliency against regional outages.

Getting started

For newly created larger runner instances with the Static IP feature, 2 IP ranges will be assigned by default going forward and no additional action is required.

For existing larger runner instances that have Static IP configured:

  • GitHub will assign an additional IP range(s) that admins can view by heading to their existing static IP enabled larger runners.
  • Admins will have 30 days to update their existing firewalls or internal IP allowlists with the new IP ranges before GitHub starts utilizing the new ranges for the runners.
  • Admins will also receive an email guiding them to take the necessary steps for their existing static IP enabled larger runners to continue to function as they switch to the dual IP range functionality.

You can learn more about the Static IP feature by heading over to documentation. If you have any feedback to help improve this experience, be sure to post it on our GitHub Community Discussion.

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