New customers of GHEC enterprise managed users (EMUs) can now use the SSO and SCIM providers of their choice, separate from one another, for a more flexible approach to user lifecycle management. EMU enterprises will allow all valid SAML 2.0 and SCIM implementations as part of this public beta.
We are progressively rolling out this change to existing enterprises through March 19th. Existing EMU enterprises will see a new opt-in capability to allow writes to the SCIM API for callers other than the partner identity applications currently supported. A personal access token (Classic) with the admin:enterprise
scope is required for SCIM writes. While in public beta, we do not recommend that existing customers change their current production identity system.

Learn more about provisioning enterprise managed users with the SCIM API. If you have questions about migrating identity providers, please review the updated documentation or contact your account team.