The GitHub Student Developer Pack delivers $200k worth of tools and training to every student

The GitHub Student Developer Pack now delivers over $200k worth of tools and training to every student with the addition of 22 new partners.

| 3 minutes

GitHub is committed to students having access to the best real-world tools and training required to get started as developers. As students prepare to return to school for the spring semester, we’re doubling the value of the GitHub Student Developer Pack (the Pack).

This January, we’re welcoming 22 new partners, increasing the total value of tools and training included to more than $200k per student. And each offer is available to every student developer, anywhere that GitHub is available.

Whether you’re building your first website, localizing your app for the global market, or even hardware hacking—the Pack provides you with the tools you need to be successful.

A few words from our new partners

We ask all of our new partners what advice they’d like to share with students, and why they joined the Pack. Here’s a sample of what they told us:

“Publish, publish, publish! From code to well-documented pages with markdown, the more [students] publish and share, the more opportunities will come your way!” -Limor Fried, Adafruit

“If the Pack had been available when I was a student, it would have allowed me to implement more complex projects and enter the working world with a deeper understanding of software development.” -Julian Rothkamp, Tower

“The Pack has a huge impact on students around the world, enabling them to get started with tools they normally wouldn’t have otherwise.” -Corey Haines, Baremetrics

“Providing students with the right tools allows us, as a developer community, to become better, more open, and more connected.” -Helmut Juskewycz, LingoHub

Partner details

The following are the new partners recently added in January and the offers they’re providing, for free, to students:

  • AccessLint, automated web accessibility testing in your development workflow
  • Adafruit, open source educational electronics, hardware, and software
  • Baremetrics, metrics, dunning, and engagement tools for SaaS and subscription businesses
  • CodeScene, visualization tool to identify social patterns in your code, detect delivery risks, and manage technical debt
  • Coveralls, deliver code confidently by identifying any parts that aren’t covered by your test suite
  • DataCamp, learn from the world’s top data scientists
  • Datree, a git-based rules engine for enforcing development best practices, coding standards, and security policies on every commit
  • DeepScan, a platform for building better and more reliable JavaScript apps
  • DeepSource, detect bug risks, anti-patterns, and security vulnerabilities
  • Imgbot, automatically optimize your images
  • LambdaTest, automated, live, and interactive cross-browser testing on 2,000+ real browsers and operating systems
  • Lingohub, translation management service for web, desktop, and mobile apps
  • Luminati, a global network of Proxy IPs available via API
  • Pageclip, a server for your static websites and HTML forms
  • POEditor, a highly scalable localization management platform for teams
  • PopSQL, a modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team
  • Restyled, automatically reformat your pull requests for a consistent style
  • Simple Analytics, privacy-friendly analytics with a simple interface and API
  • SOFY.AI, create, automate, and improve your software testing
  • SQLGate, a simple but powerful IDE for multiple SQL databases
  • Themeisle, website building accessible for everyone
  • Tower, all of Git, and GitHub’s power, on your desktop

What can I do with the Pack?

Looking for ideas for how to use the new tools? Take a look at a few projects or check out GitHub Education’s Twitter and Facebook for suggestions.

Make a request

Have a tool you’d like to see included in the Pack? Let the developer know (and tag us) on social media using the hashtag #GitHubPack. Companies interested in including an offer in the Pack can apply to be a partner.

Get the Pack

Not yet a member of the Pack? It’s available for all verified students ages 13+, anywhere in the world where GitHub is available. Join today using your school-issued email, student ID, or other proof of current academic enrollment.

Explore the latest offers in the GitHub Student Developer Pack

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