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Over the course of a year, GitHub’s engineers make millions of commits across all of our internal repositories, process billions of API requests, and run tens of thousands of deployments across the internal apps that power GitHub’s services. We use many of GitHub’s products and plenty of other open source tools to operate at this scale. But no matter what scale you’re operating at, the fundamental question for an engineering team boils down to how to optimize for developer productivity, collaboration, and security, in concert. Hear from the folks on the frontlines about how we’re building our own platform securely and improving our own developer experiences, not only to be more productive, collaborative, and secure but also to be creative,  happier, and produce the best work of our lives.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Stretching Spokes

GitHub’s Spokes system stores multiple distributed copies of Git repositories. This article discusses how we got Spokes replication to span widely separated datacenters.Background: SpokesGitHub developed a system called Spokes to…

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GitHub Universe 2024

GitHub Universe 2024

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