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Explore the latest blogs from GitHub on all things software development from the newest capabilities on the GitHub platform to research and insights—and guides to help you level up your engineering skills.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Participation Graphs go Canvas

![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/6140918/f5fe774a-b152-11e4-9a53-4bee85f22715.png) I’ve converted our participation graphs (as seen above) to use Canvas instead of Flash. Linux users rejoice! This means the graphs should load quite a bit faster and not…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Turns One!

![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195468/9e081ce4-d767-11e5-8866-125dac0d271a.jpeg) It’s hard to imagine, but just one year ago today we made the first commit to the GitHub repository. We don’t have a baby book for GitHub, so we’ll…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Get Ready to Rails Rumble!

![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195462/74d669fc-d767-11e5-82a1-c9e34b330f50.png) The 2008 Rails Rumble is set to start tonight at midnight and we’ll be sponsoring the competition in two ways. First, we’re providing free private repositories for each of…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Network Graph: Better, Stronger, Faster!

![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/6140892/b9f0f278-b152-11e4-83d3-a9d2ef633ff3.png) It’s been almost 6 months since we released the network graph and since then it has become an indispensable part of the GitHub experience. Over that period I’ve been…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Repo Deletion for Everyone

Here’s our latest feature:Did ya spot it? It’s the delete button!No, we’re not crazy. Prior to today, if you had a project that had been forked, you were unable to…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Local GitHub Config

With awesome tools like GitNub and GitX adding GitHub integration, it would be great if you didn’t have to keep re-entering you username and API token.So let’s settle on a…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Oh yeah…

Scott Chacon is now officially a GitHubber. Read his blog post about it. ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195408/7e139676-d766-11e5-951b-a863faa4e239.jpg) From running git-scm.com to writing the Git Peepcode to creating GitCasts to all his open source…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Has my gem built yet?

James Smith wants you to know if your gem has built yet. ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195421/c7bdd73c-d766-11e5-9040-a9c2b1727dd0.png) It’s open source, too. Thanks James!

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Git Down: Success!

Last week’s Git Down was great. Thanks to all who came out, and sorry to all who missed it. ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3099/2921649057_26948a3bd3.jpg?v=0) ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3262/2922498828_c6e908d37b.jpg?v=0) I’ve posted a few pictures on my Flickr account.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Code Search On Vacation

The Code Search feature will be taking a brief vacation as we try to iron out some kinks with it. ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195426/e1fe9e9c-d766-11e5-821b-fdddcc2ac709.png)

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Git Down: Tomorrow!

If you swing by you may possibly learn about any of the following: code_swarm git-sh magit GitHub on the iPhone You will definitely get some free beer and a chance…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Token Authentication

We’ve just added site-wide token based authentication. You can find your API token in your account page, front and center.Simply pass login and token to any URL which requires authentication.For…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

ZendCon 2008 Pics

![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3277/2869649816_734d88d606.jpg?v=0) ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3152/2868821027_5b8dbf5d19.jpg?v=0) ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3261/2868820255_a755fcb32c.jpg?v=1221796227) ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3235/2869648008_86a1a20eb6.jpg?v=0) Flickr set.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Kindle Winner

![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3156/2868825479_e1b3acfcec.jpg) ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195392/f5f93796-d765-11e5-80b6-76ccd2676711.gif)

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Decimates!

Russell Mull discusses his experience hacking on Cappuccino: While playing with cappuccino, I thought I’d fix a few bugs. So I made a github account and cloned the full repo.…

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