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Explore the latest blogs from GitHub on all things software development from the newest capabilities on the GitHub platform to research and insights—and guides to help you level up your engineering skills.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Popular Languages

We’re working on some awesome new visualizations and statistics here at GitHub. While they’re not quite ready to roll out, there is one chart I wanted to share. These are…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.


If you aren’t using the GitHub gem, then perhaps “webmat’s”:webmat git_remote_branch may interest you. The aim of the micro-project can best be summed up with a quote: I believe the…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Loves RubyGems 1.2

For the folks trying to install a RubyGem via GitHub prior to yesterday’s release, you’d get the all too familiar “Updating metadata for 563 gems…” every time.Well no more, thanks…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Cheat + Git = Chit

You’ve problem seen Cheat by way of the Git cheat sheet. Yeah, it rocks. Well guess what – the industrious Robin took it a step forward and wrote a Git-backed…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

HTTP Cloning

You can now clone public repositories hosted on GitHub over HTTP. This is very slow and should only be used if the git port (9418) is blocked due to a…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Not Just Code

cschneid and friends are working on a Sinatra book using Git and GitHub. Anyone can join in.They join the growing number of people using Git and GitHub to write books…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

The Status Blog

Site feel slow? See a weird SSH message? Have a strange feeling in your gut? Wonder no longer – check out the GitHub Status Blog to see service related news…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Moved to GitHub

Big weekend.HiveDB, the “open source framework for horizontally partitioning MySQL systems”, is moving to GitHub. They’re moving because Git rocks and so does GitHub. Sounds good to me. Check it…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Cleaning House

In the past month I’ve done a lot of traveling. Traveling means noodling – lots of topic branches laying around from airplane rides and hotel hacking. Today I decided to…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Improved Pledgie Profiles

Update: We’ve discontinued this feature.Alliteration is fun isn’t it? Our friends at Pledgie busted out their css wizardry to restyle your project’s profiles to give them a more consistent feel…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Support

Hey everyone, meet Matt Pruitt (aka guitsaru). He’s going to help us out on the support front – mailing list, email, and Lighthouse. With Matt’s help, we’ll have more time…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.


One of my favorite people uses the MooTools Javascript framework and noticed something on the framework’s website: That’s right, MooTools development now happens at GitHub. Yet another awesome project has…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Gem Builder Feedback

Before today, when you pushed your gemspec to GitHub the only way you knew whether or not your gem built successfully is if it showed up on our server. Not…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Ready for Lift Off

Liftweb, the hot Scala (a functional, JVM language) web framework, is now hosted on GitHub. Be sure to check out the demo or follow their Twitter if you’re interested. The…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Shirts

The 350 GitHub t-shirts we gave away at RailsConf 2008 last weekend were a huge hit! For anyone that wasn’t there, the fronts say “fork you” and the backs say…

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