One million Dependabot pull requests merged
We’re celebrating an exciting milestone with one million Dependabot pull requests merged.
Resources for developers seeking to stay informed about the latest industry trends, research, and updates from GitHub. Explore Changelogs, policy updates, product announcements, and research into the changing nature of software development. Explore research and surveys that delve into various aspects of software development and open source communities—and Octoverse, which provides detailed annual analyses of open source and public projects across GitHub. Gain a deeper understanding of GitHub’s direction to stay connected with GitHub’s evolving landscape and the broader developer community.
We’re celebrating an exciting milestone with one million Dependabot pull requests merged.
On Monday at 3:46 pm UTC, several services on GitHub.com experienced a 41-minute disruption, and as a result, some services were degraded for a longer period.
Yarn now supports security alerts for public and private repositories.
Mark files as viewed—and see if they’ve changed since you viewed them—to easily pick up where you left off.
GitHub product documentation is now available in Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
Now you can now assign any read-only contributor to issues they’ve commented on. They’ll get a notification that they are assigned, and if they aren’t able to take on the task, they can simply click the “Unassign me” button next to their username.
The newly shipped GitHut Audit log API allows you to make efficient queries for specific log data. Learn more about how to get started with the API.
We’ve listened to your feedback about GitHub Package Registry and we’re changing the deletion policy for packages. Read more about the change and joining the beta.
We’ve acquired Pull Panda to help teams create more efficient and effective code review workflows on GitHub.
Software is truly changing the world, and I could not be more excited to be joining GitHub—the company at the center of it all—as Chief Operating Officer and help us scale to the next 36 million users and beyond.
Resolve merge conflicts more easily, co-author commits to share credit with others, check out your GitHub pull requests, and more with the release of GitHub Desktop 2.0.
Today we’re excited to announce that we’ll be adding support for Swift packages to GitHub Package Registry. Swift packages make it easy to share your libraries and source code across your projects and with the Swift community.
Today, we joined hundreds of developers in Berlin for GitHub Satellite, our global developer conference. To celebrate our interconnected community, we launched GitHub Sponsors to help support open source maintainers and contributors, released new security features to enable more secure software development from start to finish, and introduced new capabilities that address the needs of enterprises and large organizations.
We’re thrilled to announce the beta of GitHub Sponsors, a new way to financially support the developers who build the open source software you use every day. Open source developers build tools for the rest of us. GitHub Sponsors is a new tool to help them succeed, too.
Build what’s next on GitHub, the place for anyone from anywhere to build anything.
Get tickets to the 10th anniversary of our global developer event on AI, DevEx, and security.