Introducing Topics
Discover networks of similar repositories in a completely new way with Topics. Topics are labels that create subject-based connections between GitHub repositories and let you explore projects by type, technology,…
Discover networks of similar repositories in a completely new way with Topics. Topics are labels that create subject-based connections between GitHub repositories and let you explore projects by type, technology, and more.
Click on a topic that interests you to find related repositories. Adding topics to your repositories will help other users discover your projects, too.
You may see suggested topics when adding a topic to a public repository. These suggestions are the result of machine learning and natural language processing applied to repository content. We’re at the start of this new journey and rejecting suggestions that don’t fit well will help us train our model for more meaningful results.
Our Help documentation will show you how Topics works today, and there’s more to come. Topics will continue to grow as we learn more from you and better understand GitHub’s role in project discovery. We can’t wait to see how you use this new feature!
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