Increasing developer happiness with GitHub code scanning
How GitHub uses code scanning to increase developer happiness, and how you can too.
Resources for securing your supply chain, building more secure applications, and staying up-to-date with the latest vulnerability research. Get comprehensive insights into the latest security trends, vulnerabilities, and best practices to safeguard software projects—and news from the GitHub Security Lab. Learn about various aspects of application security, such as threat modeling, secure coding techniques, vulnerability assessments, and the importance of regular security testing.
Also, learn more about the tools and features available on GitHub to help manage and improve the security of your codebases. This includes information on GitHub’s security alerts, code scanning, secret scanning, and dependency management features, which are designed to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities early in the development process. And if you want to get more technical, you can head over to our documentation on code security on GitHub to find out how to keep your code and applications safe.
How GitHub uses code scanning to increase developer happiness, and how you can too.
We’re changing which keys are supported in SSH and removing unencrypted Git protocol. Only users connecting via SSH or git:// will be affected. If your Git remotes start with https://, nothing in this post will affect you. If you’re an SSH user, read on for the details and timeline.
Beginning October 4, 2021, all connections to npm websites and the npm registry, including for package installation, must use TLS 1.2 or higher.
GitHub’s supply chain security features are now available for Go modules, which will help the Go community discover, report, and prevent security vulnerabilities.
GitHub’s bug bounty program is now a mature component of how we improve product security. We’re excited to highlight some achievements (and interesting vulnerabilities)!
polkit is a system service installed by default on many Linux distributions. It’s used by systemd, so any Linux distribution that uses systemd also uses polkit.
GitHub secret scanning has been securing our users’ code by scanning for and revoking secrets since 2015. Recently, we’ve focused on scanning for package registry credentials as well—a significant and…
GitHub Actions provide a powerful, extensible way to automate software development workflows. When access to outside resources is required, GitHub provides the ability to store encrypted secrets used by GitHub…
When it comes to security research, the path from bug to vulnerability to exploit can be a long one. Security researchers often end their research journey at the “Proof of…
On March 8, we shared that, out of an abundance of caution, we logged all users out of due to a rare security vulnerability. We believe that transparency is…
Last month, a member of the CodeQL security community contributed multiple CodeQL queries for C# codebases that can help organizations assess whether they are affected by the SolarWinds nation-state attack on various parts of critical network infrastructure around the world.
Dependabot’s mission is to keep all of your dependencies free of vulnerabilities and up-to-date, but until now, it hasn’t been able to update all of your private dependencies. That meant…
Software security doesn’t end at the boundaries of your own code. The moment a library dependency is introduced, you’re adopting other people’s code and any bugs that come with it.…
Supply chain attacks are a reality in modern software development. Thankfully, you can reduce the attack surface by taking precautions and being thoughtful about how you manage your dependencies. We…
Security vulnerabilities can be unpleasant to address, and that only gets worse the more you have. When you’re dealing with a large volume of vulnerabilities, you need to be able…
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