bug bounty

10 years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty Program
Let’s take a look at 10 key moments from the first decade of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program.

Rotating credentials for GitHub.com and new GHES patches
GitHub received a bug bounty report of a vulnerability that allowed access to the environment variables of a production container. We have patched GitHub.com and rotated all affected credentials. If you have hardcoded or cached a public key owned by GitHub, read on to ensure your systems continue working with the new keys.

Cybersecurity spotlight on bug bounty researcher @Ammar Askar
We’re excited to highlight another top contributing researcher to GitHub’s Bug Bounty Program—@Ammar Askar!

Cybersecurity spotlight on bug bounty researcher @inspector-ambitious
For this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the GitHub bug bounty team is excited to feature another spotlight on a talented security researcher who participates in the GitHub Security Bug Bounty Program—@inspector-ambitious!

Nine years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program
It was another record year for our Security Bug Bounty program! We’re excited to highlight some achievements we’ve made together with the bounty community in 2022!

GitHub’s revamped VIP Bug Bounty Program
GitHub’s VIP Bug Bounty Program has been updated to include a clear and accessible criteria for receiving an invitation to the program and more. Learn more about the program and how you can become a Hacktocat, and join our community of researchers who are contributing to GitHub’s security with fun perks and access to staff and beta features!

Introducing the GitHub Bug Bounty swag store
We’re excited to share the newest addition to our GitHub Bug Bounty Program!

Cybersecurity spotlight on bug bounty researcher @ahacker1
As we wrap up Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the GitHub bug bounty team is excited to spotlight one of the security researchers who participates in the GitHub Security Bug Bounty Program.

Eight years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program
It was another record year for our Security Bug Bounty program. We’re excited to highlight some achievements we’ve made together with the bounty community from 2021!

Cybersecurity spotlight on bug bounty researcher @yvvdwf
We’re excited to highlight another top contributing researcher to GitHub’s Bug Bounty Program: @yvvdwf

Cybersecurity spotlight on bug bounty researchers @chen-robert and @ginkoid
GitHub’s bug bounty team is excited to kick off Cybersecurity Awareness Month with a spotlight on two security researchers who participate in the GitHub Security Bug Bounty Program.

Seven years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program
GitHub’s bug bounty program is now a mature component of how we improve product security. We’re excited to highlight some achievements (and interesting vulnerabilities)!

Six years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program
Learn more about the Bug Bounty program, including a recap of 2019’s bugs, our expanded scope, new features, and more.

Five years of the GitHub Bug Bounty program
Read about some big changes for the coming year: full legal protection for researchers, more GitHub properties eligible for rewards, and increased reward amounts.
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