Dependabot on GitHub Actions and self-hosted runners is now generally available
A quick guide on the advantages of Dependabot as a GitHub Actions workflow and the benefits this unlocks, including self-hosted runner support.
A quick guide on the advantages of Dependabot as a GitHub Actions workflow and the benefits this unlocks, including self-hosted runner support.
Consider deploying the GitHub Action: Evergreen so that you know each of your repositories are leveraging active dependency management with Dependabot.
Make quick work of alerts with preset and custom rules.
Now, you can group multiple version updates in a single pull request.
A new alert rules engine for Dependabot leverages alert metadata to identify and auto-dismiss up to 15% of alerts as false positives.
Learn how to enable developer productivity and collaboration while staying secure and compliant. Stay compliant without slowing down your business. From security to CI/CD, automate every step of your software workflow—so your developers can stay focused on what matters most: building.
How Dependabot integrated with npm to address security vulnerabilities on transitive dependencies and increase the likelihood of success for JavaScript security updates by 40%.
Default settings will allow developers with write and maintain access to see and resolve Dependabot alerts.
Dependabot is getting a little smarter—and, a little quieter—by reducing bot-based noise from repositories based on your interaction with Dependabot.
We promised we’d be back soon and here we are! There has been an incredible amount of open source projects shipping major version releases before the year wraps up. I…
Dependabot alerts can give you the ability to secure your project by keeping dependency-based vulnerabilities out of your code. Here are some tips to more efficiently prioritize and take action on your alerts, so you can get back to building.
We’re taking a look at two commonly-used security tools and detailing how they can help secure your projects.
GitHub Actions gives teams access to powerful, native CI/CD capabilities right next to their code hosted in GitHub. Starting today, GitHub will send a Dependabot alert for vulnerable GitHub Actions, making it even easier to stay up to date and fix security vulnerabilities in your actions workflows.
Today, we’re expanding access to the GitHub security overview! All GitHub Enterprise customers now have access to the security overview, not just those with GitHub Advanced Security. Additionally, all users within an enterprise can now access the security overview, not just admins and security managers.
Expand the completeness of your dependency graph by using the dependency submission API, which will create more comprehensive alerts on supply chain vulnerabilities
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