js13kGames 2023 winners 🏆
The twelfth annual js13kGames coding competition, challenging participants to create games in 13kB or less of JavaScript in a month, just wrapped up. This post highlights the top thirteen entries.
The twelfth annual js13kGames coding competition, challenging participants to create games in 13kB or less of JavaScript in a month, just wrapped up. This post highlights the top thirteen entries.
The eleventh annual js13kGames coding competition, challenging participants to create games in 13kB or less of JavaScript in a month, just wrapped up. This post highlights the top thirteen entries.
If you think about it, 13kB isn’t really a lot. The image above is 81kB. This page weighs over 3MB (waaay more if you include the videos). That’s why it’s…
WARNING: This post contains zombies, werewolves, extra dimensional beings, mummies, and more! Proceed at your own risk. Trick or treat yourself to some fangtastic Halloween-themed games this weekend. These were…
The ninth annual js13kGames competition wrapped up last weekend with over 220 games submitted. All created in a month and in less than 13kB of JavaScript. For anyone not in…
Make a pillow fort and grab some candy (and a friend) before you play and hack your way through 13 of the spookiest game jam games.
Challenge your game development skills with the eighth annual js13kGames competition.
Highlighting a few of our favorite games from this year’s js13kGames competition
If you’ve got time August 13th – September 13th, challenge your game development skills in js13kGames—a game jam for HTML5 game developers. Like most game jams, participants make games based…
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