OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls

Validate all the things: improve your security with input validation!
If there’s one habit that can make software more secure, it’s probably input validation. Here’s how to apply OWASP Proactive Control C5 (Validate All Inputs) to your code.

Encoding and escaping untrusted data to prevent injection attacks
Practical tips on how to apply OWASP Top 10 Proactive Control C4.

Thinking beyond SQL injection: OWASP tips for secure database access
When it comes to secure database access, there’s more to consider than SQL injections. OWASP Top 10 Proactive Control C3 offers guidance.

How to leverage security frameworks and libraries for secure code
In this post, I’ll discuss how to apply OWASP Proactive Control C2: Leverage security frameworks and libraries.

How to define security requirements for your OSS project
Defining your security requirements is the most important proactive control you can implement for your project. Here’s how.

Write more secure code with the OWASP Top 10 Proactive Controls
This lesser-known OWASP project aims to help developers prevent vulnerabilities from being introduced in the first place.
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