Contribute to popular topics on GitHub
Topic pages on GitHub help you find repositories that match your interests—from Chrome extensions and cryptocurrency projects to web application frameworks like React. The pages also provide insight into the…

Topic pages on GitHub help you find repositories that match your interests—from Chrome extensions and cryptocurrency projects to web application frameworks like React. The pages also provide insight into the topic itself with a description of the subject matter, links to helpful articles, and suggestions for related topics. And, most importantly, anyone can contribute to topic pages through our Explore repository.
If you have some expertise to bring to topic pages, we’ve compiled a list of popular topics that don’t have a lot of context, yet. Help us add information to these pages, so others can learn more about what’s on GitHub. Whether you’re a new contributor or a subject matter expert, your pull requests are welcome! This could be a good fit for your first open source contribution or as a project for Open Source Friday—no code required.
Browse topics that could use your help
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