Gist creation in 5 lines with Java v3 API

As part of the Mylyn connector announcement last week a new stand-alone Java library was released for accessing GitHub API v3. Below is a 5 line example showing how to…

| 1 minutes

As part of the Mylyn connector announcement last week a new stand-alone Java library was released for accessing GitHub API v3.

Below is a 5 line example showing how to create a new private Gist that has a single file containing a simple one line Java example:

Running the above example would create the following Gist:

Many more examples can be found within the GitHub Mylyn connector source base which uses it exclusively for all API calls. The library currently supports creating and fetching issues, labels, milestones, and gists. More services will be added to the library as they become available through the v3 API.

The org.eclipse.egit.github.core library requires Google Gson 1.6+ and Apache HttpComponents 4.1+ and the latest builds can be found on the GitHub Eclipse Hudson page.

Have you created something interesting with the GitHub Java API library? Let us know!

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