Git and GitHub: A Free Course by RubyLearning

If you’re new to Git and/or GitHub and want to take your skills to the next level, you’ll definitely want to check out [Git and GitHu]( A Free Course”: by…

| 1 minutes

If you’re new to Git and/or GitHub and want to take your skills to the next level, you’ll definitely want to check out [Git and GitHu]( A Free Course”: by our friends over at RubyLearning. The online course starts on 21st Feb. 2009 and runs for a week. The course topics are:

  • What’s Version Control
  • What’s Git
  • Downloading and Installing Git
  • Create your local repository folder
  • Create your SSH Key
  • What’s GitHub?
  • Set up your GitHub account
  • Creating a new repository
  • Deleting and renaming repositories
  • Fork a repository
  • Push changes to a repository
  • Clone a public project
  • Add collaborators to a project
  • Collaborate with other users
  • Send a pull request
  • Merge changes from a pull request
  • Watch projects and people
  • Use project wikis
  • Create and delete branches and tags
  • Generate RubyGems
  • Create GitHub pages
  • Exercises

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