GitHub Drinkup in Ljubljana, Slovenia Tonight (2 Locations)

Ljubljana, Slovenia Drinkup We are having a great Git class in Ljubljana and want to celebrate with the Slovenian developer community with a double GitHub drinkup tonight to make it…

| 1 minutes

Ljubljana, Slovenia Drinkup

We are having a great Git class in Ljubljana and want to celebrate with the Slovenian developer community with a double GitHub drinkup tonight to make it convenient for the two main regions of devs and their transport system. Any one using Git or GitHub or wanting to know more about Git or GitHub can come have a beer on us and talk version control and social coding.

Po super Git delavnici v Ljubljani bi radi skupaj s skupnostjo spili pivo ali tri. Kdorkoli ki uporablja Git ali Github ali bi rad izvedel več o Gitu ali Githubu je vabljen na pivo z nami!


  • Near Training
    • 17:00 to 18:00, Thursday, March 22, 2012
    • Med 17:00 in 18:00, v četrtek, 22. marca 2012
    • Scottish – Varia Trade, D.O.O., Šmartinska cesta 152, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Near City Center
    • 20:00 to 21:30, Thursday, March 22, 2012
    • Med 20:00 in 21:30, v četrtek, 22. marca 2012
    • Premier Pub


Please RSVP by sending a quick “I’m coming” mail to and we’ll see you there.

Prosimo sporočite svojo udeležbo z mailom “I’m coming” na!


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