GitHub in the Government

Are you part of a US city, state, or federal government organization that uses GitHub for your source hosting? Do you belong to a government-oriented non-profit that uses GitHub? Do…

| 1 minutes

Are you part of a US city, state, or federal government organization that uses GitHub for your source hosting? Do you belong to a government-oriented non-profit that uses GitHub? Do you know someone that is?

We’re looking for a few case studies that we can use to further the discussion of open government initiatives. Specifically, we want to help facilitate the sharing of data, code, and ideas, and we think open-source, and Git, are perfect ways to accomplish that. If you can help us by providing any information you have about the use of Git or GitHub within or around the US government, we would be tremendously grateful!

You can leave a comment here or email me at tom at github dot com. Thanks!

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