GitHub Jobs launches tomorrow

In a little over twelve hours from now we’ll be flipping the switch on GitHub Jobs. That means you only have until midnight PDT to post a job at our…

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In a little over twelve hours from now we’ll be flipping the switch on GitHub Jobs. That means you only have until midnight PDT to post a job at our discounted $150 rate.

We’re really excited with the quality of jobs being posted and can’t wait to flip the switch. We’ve seen some awesome listings so far — look for some highlights on the blog tomorrow.

Another reminder to update your location and hiring status

If you’re looking for work, we’ve designed a way to promote jobs you’ll be interested in on your GitHub dashboard. But they will only be visible if you explicitly opt-in on the job profile section of your account settings — so if you’re looking for work, make sure you’ve checked the available for hire checkbox.

We will also be using the location field of your public profile to better figure out what jobs you might be interested in — so make sure it’s up to date.

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