GitHub Rebase #4

Sorry about the delay on this one folks. Enjoy! 🙂Stats BreakdownNotable Projects acts_like_git: Crappy name, but this Rails plugin really does some neat stuff. It allows you to essentially wrap…

| 1 minutes

Sorry about the delay on this one folks. Enjoy! 🙂

Stats Breakdown

Notable Projects

  • acts_like_git: Crappy name, but this Rails plugin really does some neat stuff. It allows you to essentially wrap a model around a git repository. This plugin has been in the works for a while, but court3nay announced that it’s ready for the world this week. This is definitely an awesome example of collaboration and cooperation on GitHub!
  • activeritalin: I just had to check out this project. This disables @find_by_sql@ to prevent ugly hacks and shortcuts from cropping up in your app. What’s better is that it adds a new method, @find_by_sql_with_excuse@ to really ensure that you have to think twice about it. Who needs coding standards when you can just have a plugin enforce it?
  • roxy: This is a fantastically easy way to make your Ruby code extendable and easier to use. In a manner similar to association extensions and named scopes in Rails, Roxy allows you do define proxy methods on the fly. Check out rwdaigle’s blog post for some more examples.

Active Repos

|. Most Commits |.                   |. Most Watches |.                   |.   |. Most Wikis |_.   |
| dotfiles | 174 | roxy | 44 |   | reactor | 7 |
| poolparty | 156 | hoshi | 33 |   | media | 5 |
| molinos-cms | 130 | rails_dev_mode_performance | 18 |   | kanodojo | 4 |
| echowaves | 129 | wildflower | 17 |   | integral | 4 |
| digispeaker | 125 | yui-examples | 16 |   | tuxmate | 3 |

Next week I’m going to start a “Hardcore Forkers” section that will feature users who have been active on the site. Let me know if you have any other ideas for the column.

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