Introducing GitHub’s Inform and Act

To honor our commitment to inclusion, we are launching Inform and Act, a site dedicated to showcasing the work of organizations and projects that promote the free movement of people…

| 1 minutes

To honor our commitment to inclusion, we are launching Inform and Act, a site dedicated to showcasing the work of organizations and projects that promote the free movement of people and ideas—those things that make progress possible. Going forward, we will use this site to communicate our position on social issues and point you to actions you can take to support those most affected.

Our first set of actions is in response to the recent executive order on immigration. We have chosen to support the US Muslim community through a gift of $25,000 to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Please join us and donate to CAIR CA while getting involved in one of the open source projects featured on the site.

Ideas for projects and organizations to feature? Email

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