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The library

A comprehensive archive with older product announcements, company updates, guides, tutorials, and other blogs from GitHub. Consider The Library a repository of historical GitHub information where you can explore the evolution of GitHub’s tools, features, and policies over time. Find insights into the development and progression of GitHub’s offerings (like the pull request!), while understanding how past updates and announcements have shaped the GitHub you know today.  

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Code Search On Vacation

The Code Search feature will be taking a brief vacation as we try to iron out some kinks with it. ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195426/e1fe9e9c-d766-11e5-821b-fdddcc2ac709.png)

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Git Down: Tomorrow!

If you swing by you may possibly learn about any of the following: code_swarm git-sh magit GitHub on the iPhone You will definitely get some free beer and a chance…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Token Authentication

We’ve just added site-wide token based authentication. You can find your API token in your account page, front and center.Simply pass login and token to any URL which requires authentication.For…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

ZendCon 2008 Pics

![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3277/2869649816_734d88d606.jpg?v=0) ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3152/2868821027_5b8dbf5d19.jpg?v=0) ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3261/2868820255_a755fcb32c.jpg?v=1221796227) ![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3235/2869648008_86a1a20eb6.jpg?v=0) Flickr set.

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Kindle Winner

![](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3156/2868825479_e1b3acfcec.jpg) ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195392/f5f93796-d765-11e5-80b6-76ccd2676711.gif)

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Decimates!

Russell Mull discusses his experience hacking on Cappuccino: While playing with cappuccino, I thought I’d fix a few bugs. So I made a github account and cloned the full repo.…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

PostgreSQL on GitHub

Okay no, they’re not here yet. But the amazing PostgreSQL has a git mirror which can only mean one thing – they need to move to GitHub. ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195397/210dab60-d766-11e5-94ac-8009b5e89134.png) Are you…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

Git Down Speaker #2

rictic will be showing off his code_swarm fork, which you may have seen in this video. ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/13195385/b9117960-d765-11e5-8a8d-c94bfd51a063.png) We still need more speakers – if you’ve got anything interesting and Git…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub at ZendCon

Catch the whole GitHub crew at the 2008 ZendCon in Santa Clara on September 16th and 17th! [![](http://www.zendcon.com/ZendCon08/public/asset/asset/63)](http://www.zendcon.com/ZendCon08/public/content/home) Stop by booth 304 if you’re attending and grab a t-shirt or…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

GitHub Languages

Edit: these features are no longer available.To go along with our new language graphs we’ve added some site-wide language pages.First, the top languages in GitHub as used by public repositories.…

An illustration of two octocats repairing a robot.

One more thing…

When do people usually commit to Rubinius? ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/6140799/c94e2174-b151-11e4-8cb9-ceaee7a14e8e.png) What languages are used by gitbuilder? ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/6140805/d751df18-b151-11e4-994d-c47a3b71cb75.png) Who committed how much to GitNub, and when? ![](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/391331/6140811/e85d099a-b151-11e4-8a07-4fccf16f914e.png) Big thanks to Chris Neukirchen for…

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