The 2016 Dodgeball Tournament raised $50,045

On Sunday, June 5th, nine companies showed up at Palega Recreation Center in hopes of bringing home the Octotrophy which—since 2013—had been with the long-standing champions, Heroku. Thanks to Constanza…

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On Sunday, June 5th, nine companies showed up at Palega Recreation Center in hopes of bringing home the Octotrophy which—since 2013—had been with the long-standing champions, Heroku. Thanks to Constanza and our friends at the Dodgeball Society, the day was packed with high energy, fierce competition and laughs. Everyone showed amazing sportsmanship on the court, played well as teams, and looked like they were having a lot of fun. After a tough battle with Heroku in the finals, GitHub’s team, Ace of Rebase, reclaimed the Octotrophy.

2016 winners GitHub

Best of all, we raised $50,045 for these five San Francisco nonprofits:

Here’s how you can continue to support our local community, even though the tournament is over:

Get to know the organizations—click on the links above to view the nonprofits’ homepages and see how you can help them out. We’re still accepting individual and company donations through Brightfunds. All funds received will be distributed across the five nonprofits.

You can also check out pictures from tournament day by visiting:

2016 dodgeball participants

Again, thank you to all our teams:

  • GitHub
  • Heroku
  • Betts Recruiting
  • Hired
  • Fastly
  • Westfield Labs
  • Firebase/Google
  • Quantcast
  • Brightfunds
  • Goldman Sachs


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