Welcome Melissa!

Say hello to Melissa, everyone. She tweets as @luckiestmonkey, tumbles at http://luckiestmonkey.tumblr.com, codes as @luckiestmonkey, and now works for GitHub!img http://img.skitch.com/20090417-gtrdta222aruyhyuhjm8gcj5c1.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/adelcambre/3130143200She’ll help us run our growing business, keep you…


Say hello to Melissa, everyone. She tweets as @luckiestmonkey, tumbles at http://luckiestmonkey.tumblr.com, codes as @luckiestmonkey, and now works for GitHub!

img http://img.skitch.com/20090417-gtrdta222aruyhyuhjm8gcj5c1.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/adelcambre/3130143200

She’ll help us run our growing business, keep you people happy, and coordinate photo shoots.

Welcome aboard, Melissa!

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