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Dependabot can now open pull requests to resolve alerts for your Gradle dependencies! If you have used the dependency submission API to upload your Gradle dependencies to the dependency graph and are receiving Dependabot alerts for those dependencies, Dependabot will now try to open a pull request to resolve them automatically if you have security updates enabled for your repository.

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If you are using Dependabot grouped version updates (currently in public beta), you can now group your pull requests by semantic version update level. This addition is designed to help reduce the risk of introducing a breaking change through an update.
To use this new functionality, add a new update-types key in your group rule, as shown below:

    - "@angular*"
    - "minor"
    - "patch"

The update-types key accepts values "major," "minor," and "patch," following the SemVer structure of major.minor.patch.

This new key works alongside existing grouping parameters such as patterns, dependency-type, and exclude-patterns, allowing you to fine-tune the grouped pull requests that Dependabot creates for you!

Learn more about configuring grouped Dependabot version updates

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As of August 17, 2023, Dependabot updates no longer support Python 3.6 or 3.7, which have reached their end-of-life. If your code uses these versions, Dependabot will no longer be able to open pull requests in your repository and will log errors. Update to at least Python 3.8 to ensure your code is secure and Dependabot can still run.

This change impacts Dependabot pull requests only – you will continue to receive Dependabot alerts for dependencies with known vulnerabilities. To resolve the alert, you can upgrade the affected package yourself manually.

View the official release cycle for Python for more information on supported versions.

Learn more about supported package managers for Dependabot

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If you are using the Dependabot grouped version updates feature (currently in public beta), you can now tell Dependabot to ignore updates in the group (similar to how you can do it for Dependabot's individual updates). While closing a grouped pull request will still not create ignore conditions, you can use Dependabot comment commands to tell Dependabot to ignore certain updates in the group – either a specific minor update, a specific major update, or all updates for one dependency.

On a grouped pull request, you can now also tell Dependabot to stop ignoring certain updates that you have already ignored. By commenting @dependabot unignore, you can specify either to stop ignoring a specific range of updates, all updates for a specific dependency, or all updates for every dependency in the group. Dependabot will now also list in the pull request body all the ignore conditions it used to build the pull request. Alternatively, you can comment @dependabot show <dependency-name> ignore conditions and Dependabot will list the ignore conditions for that dependency.

For more information on Dependabot ignore conditions and chat commands, please see the documentation.

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If you are using the Dependabot grouped version updates feature (currently in public beta), you can now group your pull requests by dependency type in ecosystems that support this. Instead of listing all the dependencies by name or pattern for your groups, you can now also use the dependency-type key (set to either "production" or "development") to create groups based on dependency type. Then, on your version updates schedule, Dependabot will try to open one pull request to update all available dependencies of that type.

For more information on how to use this feature, check out our documentation on configuring groups for Dependabot pull requests.

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As of August 17, 2023, Dependabot will no longer support Python 3.6 or 3.7, which have reached their end-of-life. If your code uses these versions, Dependabot will no longer be able to open pull requests in your repository and will log errors. Update to at least Python 3.8 to ensure your code is secure and Dependabot can still run.

View the official release cycle for Python for more information on supported versions.

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pnpm is now fully supported by dependency graph, Dependabot alerts, and Dependabot security updates! If you manage your Node.js dependencies with the pnpm package manager, you can now receive and fix alerts about security vulnerabilities in those dependencies. To use this, enable Dependabot Security Updates from the repository settings page on the code security and analysis tab.

To read more about how to use Dependabot and dependency graph, you can read our documentation here

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Dependabot can now open pull requests to update your Swift dependencies. In June, support for Swift advisories in the Advisory Database and Dependabot alerts was released. Dependabot will now be able to open pull requests to fix related alerts, and you will also be able to configure scheduled updates for your dependencies via dependabot.yml.

For more information on how to configure Dependabot updates, please view our documentation here:

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With GHES 3.9, you and your organization can better manage your Dependabot alerts thanks to more granular enablement controls. You can now enable Dependabot alerts at the repository, organization, and enterprise level, rather than having to enable Dependabot alerts across an entire enterprise at once.

This release also adds support for “automatically enable for new repositories” at the organization and enterprise levels.

Enterprise admins still need to opt in to Dependabot alerts via GitHub Connect, which approves outbound calls for advisories to sync.

Learn more about changes for GHES 3.9 for Dependabot.

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Dependabot version updates helps you keep your dependencies up-to-date by opening pull requests when dependencies can be upgraded. With today's release, you can now group version updates by dependency name.

Until today, Dependabot would always open individual pull requests for every dependency update in accordance with your configuration in dependabot.yml. Not only can this result in a large number of Dependabot pull requests, but there are some dependencies which must be updated in tandem with each other or the update will fail. In these cases, the individual Dependabot pull requests would always fail until you manually intervened to do the update.

Now, in your dependabot.yml configuration file, you can set custom grouping rules for Dependabot based on pattern matching on package name. Here is an example of how these rules can be set up:

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "bundler"
    directory: "/"
      interval: weekly
    # New!
      # This is the name of your group, it will be used in PR titles and branch names
        # A pattern can be...
          - "rubocop" # a single dependency name
          - "aws*"  # or a wildcard string that matches multiple dependencies
          # If you'd simply like to group as many dependencies together as possible, 
          # you can use the wildcard * - but keep in mind this may open a very large PR!
        # Additionally, you can specify any dependencies to be excluded from the group
          - "aws-sdk"

This configuration applies to regularly scheduled Dependabot version updates only. Security updates for Dependabot will continue to open as individual pull requests, even if they match a configured grouping rule.

This feature is in beta, so you may encounter instability and the feature-set is currently limited. You may file any bugs encountered in the dependabot-core repo.

To learn more about grouping rules for Dependabot version updates, please refer to our documentation.

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Enterprise users will now notice added functionality where Dependabot security and version updates may be paused for repositories.

If you are an enterprise user that uses Dependabot updates and there has been no activity in a repository, such as merging, closing, or any other interaction, with Dependabot pull requests for a period exceeding 90 days, the updates will be paused. To resume activity, simply merge or close one of Dependabot's pull requests, or modify the Dependabot config file in the repository.

This change will help Dependabot be more focused to the repositories you care about and reduce use of GitHub Actions minutes on inactive Dependabot pull requests.

If you are using security overview with GitHub Advanced Security, you will be able to see which repositories in your organization have been paused from the security coverage view.

You will also be able to see whether Dependabot has been paused for a repository by querying the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/automated-security-fixes REST API endpoint, which will return both the enablement status and paused status of the repository.

When will Dependabot become paused?

This change only applies to repositories where Dependabot pull requests exist but remain untouched. If no Dependabot pull requests have been opened, Dependabot will never become paused.

The following must be true for at least 90 days:

  • Has not had a Dependabot PR merged
  • Has not had changes made to the Dependabot config file
  • Has not had any @dependabot comment-ops performed
  • Has not had any Dependabot PRs closed by the user
  • Has received at least one Dependabot PR before the 90 day window
  • Has at least one Dependabot PR open at the end of the 90 day window
  • Has had Dependabot enabled for this entire period

How will Dependabot let me know?

Dependabot will add a notice to the body of all open Dependabot pull requests and add a dependabot-paused label to them. Dependabot will also add a banner notice in the UI of your repository settings page (under “Dependabot”) as well as your Dependabot alerts page (if Dependabot security updates are affected).

Who can use this feature?

This change does not apply to Dependabot alerts or subsequent notifications. So, only repositories that have automated Dependabot version updates or security updates, but haven't interacted with these pull requests for a while, will be affected.

Learn more about this change
Learn more about how to interact with the REST API

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Suppressed notifications for Dependabot alerts at enablement time

At first time enablement, Dependabot will no longer send web or email notifications that summarize when a repository is populated with Dependabot alerts. Now, you'll have visibility across all your Dependabot alerts without immediately notifying developers who watch security alerts across your repository or organization. This change applies across all levels: repository, organization, and enterprise.

For any developers both watching a repository and opted in to receive Dependabot alert notifications, future notifications will still be sent for incoming alerts after enablement, as well as for daily and weekly digests.

About this change

We’ve been working to steadily improve our security alert notifications. As part of our notification strategy, notifications will no longer be sent at first time enablement for Dependabot alerts. Notifications are muted across all levels of enablement: repository, organization, and enterprise.

This change does not affect email digests or notifications on newly created alerts after enablement.

Available alert notifications and indicators

Today, when a dependency-based vulnerability is detected, Dependabot lets you know based on your user notifications settings and repository watching settings. You can opt to receive:

  • Web-based notifications on alerts in your GitHub inbox
  • Email-based notifications on alerts
  • Email digests (weekly or daily roll-ups of alerts).

From the UI, you can also use the "Security" alert count in your repository navigation as an indicator for when your repository has alerts. This Security tab includes the count for all active Dependabot alerts, code scanning alerts, secret scanning alerts, and any security advisories that you have permissions to view.

Learn more about Dependabot alerts and configuring notifications for alerts.

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Sometimes, due to misconfiguration or incompatible versions, Dependabot jobs for a repository will fail and Dependabot will continue to run and continue to fail. Now, after 30 failed runs, Dependabot will immediately fail subsequent scheduled jobs until you trigger a check for updates from the dependency graph or by updating a manifest file. Dependabot security update jobs will still trigger as usual.

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If you manage your node.js dependencies with the pnpm package manager, you can now use Dependabot to keep those dependencies updated with automatic pull requests. You can easily configure this feature by adding or updating your dependabot.yml file in your repository. At this time, Dependabot will not open security alerts against pnpm dependencies.

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