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Dependabot version updates now proactively updates Docker image tags in Kubernetes manifests.

When specifying the Docker ecosystem in dependabot.yml include an entry for each directory where a Kubernetes manifest which references Docker image tags is located. Kubernetes manifests can be either Kubernetes Deployment YAML files or Helm charts. Dependabot will parse the unrendered version of the manifest in order to keep your Docker image tags updated.

Learn more about configuring Dependabot version updates.

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Dependabot helps you keep your dependencies up-to-date with Dependabot version updates. These pull requests are configured via a dependabot.yml file.

Starting today, if you fork a repository with an existing dependabot.yml, Version updates will be disabled by default. To enable Dependabot pull requests based on this configuration, you can click “enable” from your forked repository’s “Code security and analysis” settings page.

After enabling Dependabot version updates, you will also be able to disable with a single click from this settings page.

Dependabot version updates

Learn more about configuring Dependabot version updates.

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You can now retrieve all your Dependabot alerts at the GitHub enterprise level via the REST API. This new API endpoint supplements the recently introduced Dependabot alerts REST API, Dependabot alerts org-level REST API, and Dependabot alerts webhook.

For more information, see Dependabot alerts in the REST API reference or learn more about Dependabot alerts in our documentation.

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GitHub Actions workflows often specify the version of an action using the commit SHA. Since commit SHAs are immutable, this ensures that Actions always picks the same version. Commit SHAs, however, are not very human friendly, so best practice is to include the semver version in a comment next to the SHA. Dependabot will now update the semver version in comments when updating Actions workflows with a commit SHA version.

Dependabot is open source, and we're thankful to first-time contributor @jproberts for this great addition!

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Removing the security vulnerability banner

The yellow banner stating "We found potential security vulnerabilities in your dependencies" is being removed. Please use the "Security" alert count in your repository navigation as an indicator for when your repository has Dependabot alerts. You can also adjust your notifications settings to opt-in to email and web notifications, as well as email digests for your Dependabot alerts.

About this change

We've been working to steadily improve our security alert notifications and indicators. As part of our notifications strategy, we are removing this legacy banner.

Available alert notifications and indicators

Today, when Dependabot detects a dependency-based vulnerability, Dependabot lets you know based on your user notifications settings and repository watching settings. You can opt to receive:

  • Web-based notifications on alerts in your GitHub inbox
  • Email based notifications on alerts
  • Email digests (weekly or daily roll-ups of alerts).

From the UI, you can also use the "Security" alert count in your repository navigation as an indicator for when your repository has alerts. This Security tab includes the count for all active Dependabot alerts, code scanning alerts, secret scanning alerts, and any security advisories that you have permissions to view.

Learn more about GitHub Advanced Security, Dependabot alerts, and configuring notifications for alerts.

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Dependabot has added support for updating dependencies in Yarn v2 and Yarn v3 manifests (package.json, and yarn.lock files). This is in addition to the existing support for Yarn v1. There is no action required for existing repositories where Dependabot security updates is enabled, however, if you would like to receive proactive updates with Dependabot version updates, you should add configuration for the npm ecosystem to your dependabot.yml file.

For more information:

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You can now retrieve all your Dependabot alerts at the GitHub organization level via the REST API. This new API endpoint supplements the recently introduced Dependabot alerts REST API and Dependabot alerts webhook.

This API is available on starting today and will also be available to GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) users starting with version 3.8.

For more information, see Dependabot alerts in the REST API reference or learn more about Dependabot alerts in our documentation.

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API users can now integrate with a new dependabot_alert webhook, which matches the naming and structure of the recently introduced Dependabot alerts REST API. You should use this webhook in place of the existing repository_vulnerability_alert.

What's new

Improvements with the new webhook include:

  • More informative payload, including state and scope of the dependency, dismissal comments, and helpful information about a vulnerability (e.g. CVE ID, summary, description, CWEs, and reference URL).
  • Support for GitHub Apps with the Dependabot alerts read permission.
  • Actions on an alert now include the full set of created, dismissed, reopened, fixed, or reintroduced. See below for descriptions:
Action Action definition
created github has opened the Dependabot alert
dismissed GitHub user dismissed the alert with dismissed_reason and an optional dismissed_comment
reopened GitHub user manually reopened the previously-dismissed alert
fixed github detected the Dependabot alert is resolved
reintroduced github reopened the previously-fixed alert

Deprecation notice

The repository_vulnerability_alert webhook is being deprecated. In 2023, we plan to remove the existing repository_vulnerability_alert webhook, which is superseded by the dependabot_alert webhook. We will give integrators at least 3 months notice of this removal — keep an eye on the GitHub Changelog in 2023 for more information.

Learn more about the Dependabot alerts webhook in our documentation.

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Dart developers will now receive Dependabot alerts for known vulnerabilities on their pubspec dependencies.

The dependency graph supports detecting pubspec.lock and pubspec.yaml files. Dependencies from these files will be displayed within the dependency graph section in the Insights tab.

The Advisory Database includes curated security advisories for vulnerabilities on pubspec packages.

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We’ve been responding to your feedback – here’s a recap of some changes recently made to Dependabot alerts.

  • Dependabot Alerts details pages now auto-magically refresh after PR generation attempts are completed, rather than spinning forever
  • Alerts are more accurately mapped to Dependabot pull requests
  • Labels in the Dependabot Alerts row page now act as filters
  • You can now suggest improvements to an advisory directly from the alert details page (shown below).

Suggest improvements from a Dependabot alert

Let us know of other improvements you’d like to see in our GitHub community discussion page.

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