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A new DependabotUpdate GraphQL object connects the relevant repository's Dependabot alert(s) – aka vulnerabilityAlerts – to the Dependabot generated pull request or error.

query($repo_owner:String!, $repo_name:String!) {
  repository(owner: $repo_owner, name: $repo_name) {
    vulnerabilityAlerts(first: 1) {
      nodes {
        dependabotUpdate {
          pullRequest {
  "data": {
    "repository": {
      "vulnerabilityAlerts": {
        "nodes": [
            "dependabotUpdate": {
              "pullRequest": {
                "number": 4772,
                "title": "build(deps): bump object-path from 0.11.5 to 0.11.8 in /npm_and_yarn/helpers"

In some cases, Dependabot fails to open a pull request. Previously, the error message that Dependabot generated was only visible in the Dependabot Alerts section of the Security tab.

Screenshot of Dependabot Security Tab

Now, if Dependabot runs into an error when trying to open a pull request for a Dependabot alert, you can see the error in the API.

query($repo_owner:String!, $repo_name:String!) {
  repository(owner: $repo_owner, name: $repo_name) {
    vulnerabilityAlerts(first: 1) {
      nodes {
        dependabotUpdate {
          pullRequest {
          error {
  "data": {
    "repository": {
      "vulnerabilityAlerts": {
        "nodes": [
            "dependabotUpdate": {
              "pullRequest": null,
              "error": {
                "title": "Dependabot cannot update braces to a non-vulnerable version",
                "body": "The latest possible version of braces that can be installed is `1.8.5`.\n\nThe earliest fixed version is `2.3.1`.",
                "errorType": "security_update_not_possible"

We want your feedback! Let us know how you are using DependabotUpdate and give us your feedback in this GitHub discussion.

See the full API documentation in our GraphQL docs.

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Users of Dependabot version updates can now proactively update their dependencies for Flutter or Dart projects which use the pub package manager.

To test version updates on your own Dart or Flutter repo, add the following configuration file in .github/dependabot.yaml:

version: 2
enable-beta-ecosystems: true
  - package-ecosystem: "pub"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "weekly"

Note the package-ecosystem: "pub" and enable-beta-ecosystems: true flags.


Support for pub is in beta, and thus, we are aware of some limitations. For example, security updates are not supported in this release but will be in the future.

Other known limitations:

  • No support for updating git-dependencies
  • If the version found is ignored (by dependabot config) no update will happen (even if, an earlier version could be used)
  • No support for private package repositories

We want your feedback! Please open or vote on a comment in this discussion. You can get help troubleshooting by opening an issue on dependabot-core.

Special thanks to the Dart team for collaborating with us to make this happen.

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This release adds support for viewing fixed alerts to the GraphQL API. This update also adds the ability to access and filter by state, as well as access unique numeric identifier.

The additions include these new fields to a RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert:

  • number
  • fixed_at
  • fix_reason
  • state

And we're adding the ability to filter by state on the vulnerability alert object.

For more information, see Dependabot alerts in the GraphQL API reference.

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Today, we’re shipping improvements to Dependabot alerts that help you more easily understand and remediate vulnerabilities from dependencies in your codebase.

Persisted Dependabot alerts

Developers can now view alerts that have been fixed in the Dependabot alerts UI.

Included changes:

  • Starting today, fixed Dependabot alerts will now persist and continue to appear under the “closed” tab in the UI
  • All individual alerts now have unique numeric identifiers.

Ungrouped alerts

Previously, Dependabot alerts displayed multiple security advisories grouped by package. Dependabot alerts will now represent a single advisory, rather than being grouped by package.

Included changes:

  • Alerts are now displayed individually (one per advisory and manifest)
  • Previous alert details pages will redirect to a filtered list view by the package name
  • Alert titles will now be more useful to developers and show information about the advisory, rather than just the package name.

This update will not affect Dependabot alert email digests or notifications, Dependabot pull requests, or the GraphQL API.

Learn more about the improvements we’re making to Dependabot alerts in our latest blog post, or read our documentation.

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You can now reference local reusable workflows more easily. With this release, reusable workflows that are in the same repository as the calling repository can be referenced with just the path and filename: {path}/{filename}.

For example:

    uses: ./.github/workflows/workflow-2.yml

When referenced this way, the called workflow will be from the same commit as the caller workflow.

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community

To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap

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Starting 12-09-2021, GitHub Actions workflows triggered by Dependabot for the create, deployment, and deployment_status events will always receive a read-only token and no secrets.

Starting 12-09-2021, GitHub Actions workflows triggered by Dependabot for the pull_request_target event on pull requests where the base ref was created by Dependabot will always receive a read-only token and no secrets.

Both changes are designed to prevent potentially malicious code from executing in a privileged workflow.

Learn more about using Actions and Dependabot together

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community

To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap

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GitHub Actions workflows triggered by Dependabot will now be sent the Dependabot secrets.

This change will enable you to pull from private package registries in your CI using the same secrets you have configured for Dependabot to use and will improve how Actions and Dependabot work together.

Learn more about using Actions and Dependabot together

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community

To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap

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In March we made a change in GitHub Actions that forced workflows triggered by Dependabot to run with a read-only token. This change was made to protect your repositories from potentially malicious dependencies in the same way we prevent pull requests from forks from having privileged access to your repository. We received a lot of feedback from you on how this impacted your workflows and while it was great to be in a safe configuration by default, you wanted to have the option to continue working as you had prior to this change.

In April we introduced the permissions key in the Actions workflow config which enables you to control which permissions are given to a particular workflow or job.

Starting October 11, 2021 workflow runs on push and pull_request events triggered by Dependabot will begin to respect the permissions specified in your workflows putting you back in control of how you manage automatic dependency updates. The default token permissions will remain read-only.

In addition to the permissions change we are working to enable workflows triggered by Dependabot to use Dependabot secrets. This change will enable you to use those secrets to pull dependencies from private repositories.

Learn more about the permissions key in Actions workflows

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community

To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap

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As announced in April, Dependabot Preview is shutting down today, as it has been replaced by GitHub-native Dependabot.

To keep getting pull requests that update your packages, upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot by merging the “Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot” pull request in your repository. This pull request, as well as any pull requests from the Dependabot Preview bot will remain open, but the bot itself will no longer work on your GitHub accounts and organizations.

If you have any questions or need help migrating, please contact GitHub Support.

Learn more about Dependabot in our documentation, or visit our public roadmap to see what’s next for Dependabot.

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Unless a specific time is provided, Dependabot version updates run at 5AM UTC daily, weekly, or monthly; however, this results in large usage spikes that slow down updates for everyone.

Starting today, we no longer schedule unspecified updates at the same time. Instead, each repository is assigned a time at random, and all updates in that repository will start at that time. If you want to specify a different time for updates to begin, you can use the schedule.time and schedule.timezone properties on each update.

As an example, this config resets the /frontend/package.json to run at 5AM UTC, while specifying /backend/package.json to run at 13:30 Pacific:

- package-ecosystem: "npm"
  directory: "/frontend"
    interval: "daily"
    time: "05:00"
    timezone: "UTC"
- package-ecosystem: "npm"
  directory: "/backend"
    interval: "daily"
    time: "13:30"
    timezone: "America/Los_Angeles"

Learn more about configuring schedules for Dependabot version updates.

To see what's next for Dependabot, visit the public roadmap.

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