2022-04-27 Update:
While the git.io url redirection service is read-only and use of the service is limited, we have received feedback from developers and academic researchers who have published git.io links in print documentation and research papers. In order to preserve the integrity of these historical documents, we have decided to archive the current git.io links in a new read-only service that will allow us to serve redirects for those links longer term.As we continue our analysis, we may remove individual links that point to spammy, malicious or 404 links. Our goal is to not break links relied on for legitimate use, especially by the academic community, while preserving the security of developers on GitHub.
That said, we still encourage users to make use of one of the many URL shortening services available with greater functionality than the git.io service provided. GitHub support will not be able to update or edit redirection records served by the git.io archive service.
Effective Friday, April 29, 2022 all links on git.io will stop redirecting. Please update any existing links that make use of the git.io URL service immediately.
Git.io is a URL shortening website that GitHub created in 2011 for redirecting to GitHub domains like github.com and github.io. What began as an experiment was only lightly documented and was not widely adopted.
In January 2022, we announced that git.io was becoming read-only. As notified in January, we shared our plans to deprecate the service. Out of an abundance of caution due to the security of the links redirected with the current git.io infrastructure, we have decided to accelerate the timeline. We will be removing all existing link redirection from git.io on April 29, 2022.
Developers should immediately make use of one of the many URL shortening services available with greater functionality than the git.io service provided.
Git.io is a URL shortening website that GitHub created in 2011 for redirecting to GitHub domains like github.com and github.io. What began as an experiment was only lightly documented and thus not heavily used.
Today, git.io is increasingly being used for malicious purposes. At GitHub, we want to end that activity, focus on building great developer tools, and cede URL shortening to companies and teams who provide it as a core offering. There are many URL shortening services available today that have more capabilities than git.io.
For these reasons, we have disallowed new link creation on git.io. Existing URLs will continue to be accessible, but we encourage using one of the many URL shortening services that are available, instead of git.io, as we will be deprecating the tool in the future. This allows us to concentrate on what we’re able to make and keep great.