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👋 We just finished releasing the last feature update of the year for Projects. It was relatively light, mainly composed of bug fixes and minor improvements to some of our Private Beta features.

Since this is our last push to production for 2022, we wanted to take the opportunity and reflect on all the improvements shipped during this year – and boy, there were many of them! Along with General availability (GA) of Projects in July we delivered 210 feature releases 🚀. It’s been a year of listening to what you need to stay focused on code – and delivering on those requests.

Projects 2022 wrapped 210 features

Let's look at some of the highlights:

  • We adapted the Project’s side-panel to keep issues front-and-center. Quickly read and leave comments, edit fields and react to issues and comments without leaving a project view.
  • We simplified bulk adding issues to a project; you can expect to see more in 2023 as we make this process even sleeker. We also know you don’t need closed issues cluttering your views or the labor of manual archiving. GitHub’s solution: automated archiving.
  • Productivity is all about improving micro-actions, so we also shipped branching your code directly from an issue – to get code and context tied together quickly.
  • Want to keep up with changes to your Projects? Projects webhooks transmit events for any action taken on project items within your organization. But we didn’t stop there; the Projects GraphQL API was launched mid-year.
  • We also help you to collaborate with your team from anywhere, anytime. If you haven’t already, join the GitHub Mobile Public Beta and make quick edits to your projects and issues while you’re on the go. For those collaborating in Slack: this year, we enabled you to create, track, and manage your GitHub issues directly from your favorite channel (learn more).

We also did a fair amount of polish and 🐛 bug fixing along the way, as you can see by this chart.

Bug fixes 2022

Our momentum was palpable at Universe 🪐 as we announced initial iterations on tasklists and roadmap. We have started the Private Beta rollout on these features and look forward to your feedback as you use them in the new year.

As the home of all developers, we strive to provide you with planning and tracking experiences that are adaptable, fast, and close to your code. We had a great 2022, and we want to thank you for all your feedback and support. For 2023, we already have an exciting roadmap planned, and the team is energized to bring it to life.

See you all after the Holidays 🎄.

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Hot on the heels of GitHub Universe, we're bringing you simplified project creation and an improved experience for converting drafts into issues in repositories outside the project's organization.

Creating a project from your team or repository index page is now faster than ever! Instead of navigating to the organization page, simply use the dropdown on the Link a project button to select New project. We'll create a project and automatically link it to the team or repository from which it was created.

📤 Convert drafts into issues outside the project organization

Work often spans multiple repositories and even across organization boundaries so we want you to be able to quickly create issues in whichever repository you need, right from projects. That's why we've made it possible to convert a draft issue into an issue in any organization you have access to. When selecting the repository for your issue, type in the organization name ahead of the repository and we'll take care of the rest. We also support the @me operator if you'd like to create the issue in a personal repository.

🚀 Universe recap

If you missed us at Universe 2022, be sure to check out our blog post recapping our recent announcements and sign-up for the Private Betas for tasklists ☑ or roadmap 🗺️!

✨ Bug fixes and improvements

  • Support command + shift + enter to close or reopen an issue from the side panel
  • Respect "paste link as plain text" setting
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users without write access to see UI for restoring from archive

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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On September 15, 2022, we fixed a bug on that allowed OAuth tokens (such as personal access tokens) to bypass SAML single sign-on (SSO) requirements to view organization issue data using the /issues GitHub API endpoint.

The SAML SSO bypass could only happen when the token owner was a member of a SAML SSO protected organization, had the necessary permissions to view the issue data, and was using an OAuth token that was not authorized for use with SAML SSO. Integrations using an OAuth token matching the above criteria would also bypass SAML SSO requirements when making requests to the /issues API endpoint.

The accessible data included the title, body, labels, and assignee of the issue, but did not include comments on the issue itself. The bug did not allow organization members to view repository, issue, or other organization data that they did not have permission to view.

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We are excited to share with you that we have added a bunch of new capabilities to our GitHub app in Slack. You can now create, track and manage your GitHub issues directly from Slack.

Create issues as you collaborate

You can now create issues with just a click, right from the place where you interact with your team i.e. from your channel, personal app, group or direct chat.

  • The content of the chat is automatically added into the description along with the link to the slack conversation.
  • The last used repo in the channel will be automatically filled in. However, you can go ahead and change to the repo if needed.
  • You can optionally fill in labels, assignees and milestones when you create an issue.

Once the issue is created you will receive a confirmation card in the channel/chat where you created the issue.

Issue card updates and threading

You can also update the issue directly from slack. When you see an issue notification card in Slack, you will now be able to comment, edit and close/reopen.

As part of this enhancement, we have also introduced threading functionality. Notifications for any issue are grouped under a parent card as replies. Threading gives context, reduces noise in the channel and helps improve collaboration.

For more information about these enhancements, please visit the GitHub app guidance for Slack.

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🧹 Keep your project tidy with auto-archive

As long-lived projects accumulate items over time, many users set aside time to archive old items to keep their projects focused on what matters most. Today we are introducing the public beta of a new workflow to archive items automatically so that you can get back to the things that matter!

Configure which items you’d like to archive by heading to the Workflow page, selecting Auto-archive items, and updating the filter. We support is, reason, and last-updated, and you can verify archived items by copying the filter query into a table view.

Set it up today to spend less time on pruning projects and let us know what you think in Discussions!

⚙️ Configure board column visibility

In addition to auto-hiding board columns with filters to customize your view, you can now hide a column directly from the column menu to populate the filter bar and configure which board columns are visible.

This can also be configured through the + menu, so you can now easily toggle which columns are shown or hidden on the view in addition to adding a new column.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Adding hovercard functionality for links in the side panel
  • Fixed a bug that didn’t allow for assignees to be copy/pasted into a field for draft issues

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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an image showing a shipped project- bring projects to github mobile in mobile interface with text- projects on the go

Now more than ever flexibility is not only needed for how we work, but where we work. Stay connected and up to date on your work with GitHub Projects on GitHub Mobile, now in public beta. This marks the first milestone to bring GitHub Projects to your hands, so that you can track issues and projects from anywhere at any time. We would love for you to try it out on iOS TestFlight or Google Play (Beta) and give us your early feedback.

Let’s take a look at what you can do.

Access GitHub Projects

With GitHub Projects on GitHub Mobile you can quickly access the projects you need through a repository, organization, or your own user profile.

an image of quick navigation to access projects on mobile

Switch Views

You can view items as they’ve been configured and grouped and easily switch views on your projects to find what you need. Just tap on the title bar on top to pick a view from the pull-down menu. Project tables are rendered in a list layout for a simplified experience that still conveys all the necessary information you need for planning and tracking on the go. With collapsible buckets you can hide and reveal information as you wish for a better overview when you plan for a feature or track a sprint.

an image showing switching views in projects on mobile

Custom fields and quick actions

All your custom fields, such as status, category, priority, and iteration, are rendered as glanceable metadata pills in the list. Long-press on a project item to quickly edit these fields, delete the item, or preview its content so you can keep everything up to date and organized. Want to leave a comment on a specific issue? Simply tap on the preview and write a message in the issue detail view.

an image showing custom fields and quick actions to edit

Tell us what you think

GitHub Projects on GitHub Mobile is available today from Google Play (Beta) or iOS TestFlight.

There’s a lot more to come, and we’re excited to keep you updated as we make GitHub Projects on Mobile even better. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. Leave us your thoughts in GitHub Mobile Discussions, by tapping Share Feedback in your app profile, or reviewing our app in the Play Store or iOS App store.

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Today’s Changelog brings numerical field sums, Team linked projects, project migration improvements, and URL pasting preferences!

➕ Display sum of numeric fields

Addressing a top user request, you can now display the sum of a numeric field on the group header in both the table and board layouts.

Select one or multiple numeric fields you would like to display the total for from the view configuration menu to assist with your planning! 📝

Ever wanted to curate the list of projects important to your team? Wouldn’t it be great to ensure your team has access to the projects they need to use all the time? With our latest ship, now you can link projects for quick access on your team pages and we’ll also automatically grant your team read access. Note, you currently need to be a maintainer for the team and a project admin to add it to the team page.

Navigate to the Projects tab for your team to add the projects you need today. 🎉

🚀 Migration improvements

Project Migration now includes archived items! We’ve also fixed several migration states so that your entire team is aware that the project has been transfered. Plan your migration today so that you can leverage all the new features and capabilities Projects has to offer 💖

🖌 Paste URLs formatted or as plain text

Choose your own adventure for URL pasting! Based on your feedback we have made paste preference part of our accessibility settings under your profile. Find it under editor settings to change from pasting as a formatted link (default) to pasting as plain text.

setting URL paste behavior

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Filtering by draft state (is:draft) now applies to open draft pull requests, in addition to draft issues
  • Issue and pull request numbers are now displayed alongside archived item titles
  • Improved condensed keyboard shortcut visuals

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Today’s Changelog brings auto-hiding columns based on board filters, item numbers in table layout, updated enterprise project visibility settings, and issue transfer updates!

🙈 Auto-hide columns with board filters

You ask, we deliver! With today’s release, project boards will automatically hide columns depending on the filters you’ve applied. Customize your boards with the exact set of columns you need – no more empty columns here!

board columns

#️⃣ Item number displayed in table layout

Addressing a popular customer request, issue and pull request numbers are now displayed alongside the title in the table layout. Quickly identify item numbers without having to open the issue to PR or search to find your specific items. 🔢


⚙️ Enterprise visibility settings for GHEC

Enterprises on GHEC now have the ability to set the policy for who is able to change the visibility of projects within its organizations.

Enterprise admins can change the visibility setting in the Enterprise Projects Policies page. 👀


📝 Issue transfer updates

Based on your feedback, we have updated issue transfers to avoid label duplication. 🚫 🏷️ 🏷️

When transferring an issue between repositories:

  • Labels will now only be transferred if they already exist in the target repository.
  • Milestones will now be transferred if they exist, with matching names and due dates, in the target repository.

Our GraphQL API has been updated to include a flag for anyone looking for the old behavior. If you would like to transfer an issue and create new labels at the same time, you can use the ‘createLabelsIfMissing‘ flag.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Fixed a bug in the filter bar so that Reviewers:@me works as expected.
  • Updated the Date selection component to be consistent across browsers and project pages.
  • Quickly add a PR from a repo that has Issues disabled by pasting its link into the project. We’ll render it correctly now!

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Previously, we announced a change to how <num> parameters work for autolink references, switching from numeric to alphanumeric IDs. We heard from a number of customers who still need numeric identifiers. Now when creating an autolink reference, you can use an alphanumeric or numeric identifier.

Screenshot of Autolink references

Autolinks are available in repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see GitHub's products.

Learn more about autolinks at Configure autolinks in the GitHub documentation. We appreciate feedback on this and other topics in GitHub's public feedback discussions.

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Today’s Changelog brings improved date filtering and the command palette (beta) to Projects!

📆 Date filter improvements

We’ve improved filters so you can use relative offsets for dates and iterations. Try it out by adding date:@today+7 or iteration:@current+2 to the filter bar.

🎨 Command palette (beta)

The command palette is now available in Projects as a beta release and includes project-specific commands.

With this update, the command palette enables users to navigate Repos and Projects and search for Issues and PRs across GitHub directly from Projects.

Quickly access commands related to the project you’re viewing:

Screenshot of the command palette with project-specific commands displayed. Commands shown are added items, filter by, group by, manage fields, and navigate to.

Or search and navigate throughout GitHub directly from a project:

Screenshot of command palette with search commands displayed. Navigation commands allow users to visit an org, repos, packages, people, teams.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Ability to clear selection in the date picker
  • Provide a keyboard shortcut (cmd+s/ctrl+s) to save a project view
  • Visible highlighted row selection when deleting/archiving items

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Today, we are announcing the general availability of the new and improved Projects powered by GitHub Issues 🎉 🎉 🎉. Since we launched the public beta at Universe last year, we have listened to your feedback and shipped 15 changelogs at a cadence of every two to three weeks.

At a glance, the new GitHub Projects enable you to:

  • Plan, collaborate, and track your work close to your code in one centralized place.
  • Stay organized with custom fields and spreadsheet-like table or board views.
  • Keep your eyes on the prize with visibility into done and remaining work to ship.

Learn more about the breadth of capabilities of GitHub Projects in our blog post.

As usual, with our Changelogs, we’re bringing even more new functionality updates to the experience.

⏱ Quickly gain access to your recently used Projects

We’ve added a section to the projects index page that shows both recently used projects and projects created by the user accessing the page. These two shortcuts are handy in organizations with a large project count, making it easy to get to projects you frequently visit.

Image 4

👀 Improving permissions management

We’ve introduced a new setting that enables organization owners to toggle the ability to update project visibility to public, giving you more assurance that users won’t accidentally expose sensitive data within a project. 🙌

To enable this setting, organization owners can go to<org-login>/settings/projects and select the checkbox under the “Member privileges” heading below.
changelog - july 27

Use this setting to prevent accidental exposure of sensitive data within a project 🔒💖

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

  • Fixed a bug where text surrounded by backticks in the Projects side panel failed to render.
  • Made it more explicit that deleting a custom field would permanently delete the data of that field.
  • Improved styling on Project views, improved spacing, and added separators between views.
  • Fixed a minor UX glitch when users switched from one view to another, where issues appear in the table and then are hidden.
  • Searching for a repository when performing an issue transfer no longer requires an exact name match to find target repositories.
  • Bug fix on issue comments previously when creating/editing a comment, then using tab to exit the comment field shortcuts would not trigger until a focus was moved again.
  • Improved fuzzy search for the label picker on issue pages.
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Previously, when creating an autolink reference for a repository, you could only use a numeric identifier in the <num> parameter. This format didn't support integration with platforms that use alphanumeric identifiers, like the last segment of this Trello card URL: Now you can create an autolink with an alphanumeric identifier.

Any previously created autolinks will continue to support only numeric identifiers so that they continue working as before. Only newly created autolinks will support alphanumeric identifiers.

Autolinks are available in repositories with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see GitHub's products.

Learn more about autolinks at Configure autolinks in the GitHub documentation. We appreciate feedback on this and other topics in GitHub's public feedback discussions.

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📊 Expanding access to charts for all plans

We are expanding our Insights capabilities to all plans! Charts help you visualize and track cycle velocity, current work status, and complex visualizations like Cumulative Flow Diagrams.

Starting today, all projects (beta) users can access custom current charts! Head over to the Insights tab for your projects to try it out and don't forget to share feedback!

We're also expanding access to time-based charts to allow organizations to visualize trends over time. Time-based charts are enabled for all Enterprise Cloud organizations and existing Team organizations with at least one project. Team organizations that have not used projects (beta) will be onboarded over the next couple of weeks.

Thank you for all of your feedback during the alpha and we hope you'll continue to share your thoughts with us on Discussions.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • File uploads now support both .webm and .tgz file types.
  • Unsaved view changes are persisted across page refreshes.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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