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screenshot of list of fork repos

We've made improvements to the Forks Insights tab to give you much more information on the forks of your project. Now when you visit the Insights tab for a repository the Forks section will display a sortable and filterable list of forks. You'll also now see more details about each of the forks, like how recently they were updated, their stars and pull requests. To see an example, check out the forks of GitHub's docs repository.

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We made three improvements to the repository invite experience, so you can start contributing faster:

  1. You will now see notifications for private repository invites, just as you already do for public repositories.
  2. For pending invites to public repositories, you will now notice a banner on the repository overview, indicating that there is a pending invite.
  3. When you navigate to a private repository you have been invited to, you will now see a prompt to accept the invite instead of a 404 error page.

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